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Dems are mad that harvard is requiring SATs/ACTs again

No.1286858 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dems say its racist to require students prove the can do math and read on a test before going to college
Also remember in the 2000s when George W Bush passed a law requiring schools teach phonic because it worked to make sure his retarded brother learned how to read so dems intentionally embezzled a ton of NCLB money Marie Clay/Lucy Calkins reading program, that doesn't teach phonic and is scientifically proven not to teach kids to read. And the dems literally installed this in as many schools as possible and used up as much NCLB money on it as possible even though they were told they legally couldn't so they just changed the the Calkins description without changing the program at all. Meaning the Dems intentionally didn't teach pretty much any kid who started going to school after 2002 how to read to own W Bush and that is why zoomers are retarded and have so much more trouble reading 4chan posts than boomers did 5-10 years ago