>live right in the middle of its native range >never seen one thanks to our retarded forebearers who did not understand proper planting techniques that don't lead to the spread of disease
Don't know if /out/ or /k/ is the right place to ask. So: I bought a car today and this knife was in the trunk. Is it a good knife or some chepo crap ?
why are some people so stupid at packing? I dont expect everyone to be lightweighters/ultra-lighhtweighters as some luxuries are nice to have, and some gear is expensive but packing heavy is just stupid. Met a couple bike touring around the US that was carrying full sized mustard and ketchup bottles. Another woman carrying a hairddryer...
First of all. Sry if this is wrong pages but i tought you might know better than weapons guys.
I bought TD recurve bow for myself but now i'm not sure what things i should do for it before go shooting. How tight i should put screws that hold limbs? Should i twist string or should it be straight? Only thing i have done now is tested arrows by bending (no broken ones).
Hey /out/, I don't know if this is the place to ask, but I took this to /fa/ and never got an answer. So I have these tac boots that I need to wear over the summer, and I'm not sure what to wear them with. How do I downplay them? I realize that they aren't very aesthetically versatile, but I need to talk and interact with strangers so I'm not trying to look like a cowboy/redneck, hobo, or autist. I need to look somewhat presentable or put-together. The nature of my activities requires these boots. The only other option is this same style or similar style (side zip, optional) in a desert tan with a soft, suede-like texture and ballistic nylon material. If it makes any difference, I have packed appropriately products to clean and maintain my boots-- specifically a cream conditioner and protector that guards against water and extreme temperatures. The environments I'll be in will vary by day: woods, desert, coast-- city streets, indoors, docks, etc. I anticipate most will be relatively warm in climate, but for nights or potentially cold, mountainous areas, I do think it best to pack a light coat. Durability, mobility, and weight I can take into account myself. I'm not completely incompetent so I'll consider every suggestion instead of outright shooting them down. Thanks tremendously in advance.
I'm in the market for a good, inexpensive, mountain bike that will take a little roughness but won't empty my wallet. I came across this and I've always loved a full suspension bike with disc brakes so this caught my eye and for the price I'm wondering if it would be a good buy. It's NOT much but is it GOOD? I've been biking for years but just haven't come across anything good that is within my price range for my hobby. Anybody know anything or recommend anything?
What colleges/universities are good for /out/? I'm not talking about too rural, but schools in a town/small city that isn't far from hiking/biking/fishing/etc? I'm thinking Colorado/Oregon is probably best. Bonus points for mech engineering.