>>1054042>all this projectionNice strawman and ad hominem arguments. You're proving you can't think logically either.
You know what double blind studies ALSO show? That educated wine tasters can't tell the difference between red wine and white wine with red food coloring added, despite obvious things like tannins in the red wine, which do add bitterness and were easily detectable by laymen. And the more educated they were, the less they could tell the difference.
http://web.archive.org/web/20070928231853/http://www.academie-amorim.com/us/laureat_2001/brochet.pdf>>1054060>bringing up Gar, snakehead and carpNow you're moving the goalposts too.
We weren't talking about that.
We were talking about your claim that farmed fish tastes better than wild. You can't defend that, as not even YOUR OWN CITED STUDIES back it up ("no difference" is NOT the same as "one tastes better than the other"), so now that you have no evidence to back up your claim whatsoever, you're just doing damage control and appealing to your credentials, which is ANOTHER logical fallacy.
That makes four logical fallacies so far, and no doubt you're going to continue adding more now that your evidence has been exposed.
Your education is one thing, but this is all peripheral bullshit to mask the fact that you have no experience in the real world and don't know what you're talking about.
But by all means, keep going. You're very entertaining, and I haven't had this much fun laughing at a stupid person in weeks.