>>2310433Things I know are real:
1. Beavers when wading at night, they will get close before they tail slap & it makes me nearly jump out of my skin. They also chase me out of spots all the time, angry & territorial creatures.
2.Stupid fucking deer that will leap in front of your moving vehicle when it's dark. Had so many close calls & even smashed a buck in SW Virginia going 70 MPH at 5 AM during mating season. Ever since then I exclusively ride the left lane at night when possible.
3. Slipping while wading, hitting my head on a rock & drowning.. Happened to an old guy on a river I was fishing on a few years back. I'm a very very good wader & in great shape but there's always a chance it happens.
Things that may not be real (I think they are):
1. Skinwalker, Wendingo, any sort of monster/ cryptid with malicious intentions. I spend a lot of time in the woods at night & have been fortunate to not have any encounters.
2. Dark & malicious forest spirits/ cursed locations.
3. Paulides Missing 411 theory being 100% true & unknowingly walking right into a evil trap/ portal & disappearing forever, without a trace.