>>1202604> Be me> three years ago> Bumfuck North Carolina> going on a classic /out/ river trip in mah canoe, stopping to collect valuables and sleep> twilight, better time to set up camp and make a wee fire> stop on little gravel / sand delta, safe from animals since it's a mini island> get fire started, set up tent and chair, eat prepackaged sammich> go to bed> wake up in the middle of the night to footsteps in gravelwtf.png
> pretend to be asleep in tent, listen closer to figure out if it's human steps or animal steps> grip machete, knees weak arms heavymomsSpaghetti.betamax
> *crunch, crunch, crunch*> ice runs through my veins, my heart stops, I realize it's 100% bipedal >it stops moving, silenceAAAAAAAAA.scared
>decide to wait till it moves again, then I'll leap out of the tent, don't plan farther kek> it is still not moving> still frozen with fear> hand maneuvers down leg to miniflashlight in pocket>grip spaghetti, prepare>in one quick smooth movement, spin onto my stomach, whip my flashlight out, point it and turn it on, shitting pants the whole waywhathaveIdone.fuck
there is a man in overalls standing about 15 feet down the coast with a bag on his head
> blurt out "what the fuck"> smooth talker, I know> flashlight flickers, I blink, he's gone> goneevaporation.gif
I stood still with my flashlight out for a long time. I eventually chimmied back into my tent, and waited for the sun to rise, packed my shit up and boated down stream to my chosen destination, paddling harder than ever before.
have not been outdooring since. fuck the outdoors, man. that shit is shit.
so my answer to your query is: shit is shit, man. fuck.