>>1361895>/g/The only thing that works against them is a hand slap at worst, a screen at best, lasers if you DIY hard, or predators which isn't all that great. Even the CO2 emitting traps are no match for a swarm.
This is what it looks like in the woods around here this year. It is unprecedented. I have more mosquito bites from Aedes aegypti in an hour this year than I have my entire life put together. These shits didn't even exist here until this year and they are out of fucking control. Before this year, I almost never got bitten by mosquitoes even though there were tons of them around, they just were not Aedes aegypti.
>>1361942Every time someone opens the door to go in or out about a dozen mosquitoes get in and we are fighting them for the next couple of hours. Their histamine-laden saliva makes everyone have a super itchy and burning welt, at the bite site for about 15 minutes. It is like a fucking horror show.