Illinois /diy/nosaur here. Just got my seeds in, hoping for warmer weather soon, otherwise I'm going to have to invest in more lighting to keep the little bastards alive until the ground thaws.
>>280873Any advice for a novice? I just chopped some pieces out of an oyster and put it onto soaked cardboard yesterday. My first time ever experimenting with mycelliaculture.
>>282098If the cider is unpasteurized and doesn't have any preservatives(other than ascorbic acid) under you bed should be fine. I would recommend leaving it for at least a week, possibly 2, give the yeasts time to work. Keep it out of the sun, light can contribute to "off" flavors. Also try to keep it in a place where the temperature is as steady as possible. Rule of thumb is that if you are comfortable, so are most yeasts.