>>2082946Europe is very dense in population around cities but much lower in the countryside, there you can find patches of wilderness like this one, that's where I plan to put the tent at night. I won't stop moving when the sun is out unless I need to fish or something like that. I'm not a kid, I just want to run away from responsibilities.
>>2082934The fact is all rivers here are thin and deep, they're almost always farmland irrigation torrents, good for fishing but not so good for anything else. The good rivers are few, maybe if I'm lucky I'll come across 5 or 6 of them in total, that's not much for that long distance. I was planning to bring salt and oil for storing the excess food in air-tight stainless containers.
About filtering water, won't I need to replace the filters every now and then? although I plan to eat the fish that lives in these waters, I'm not so happy about drinking the water itself. The public fountains are certified by the state's office, they're 100% drinkable. I would use the rivers for washing clothes though. The food shouldn't be an issue, there're the breadsticks and I can get some free stuff from cafes, they got freebies on their tables all the time, like sugar or chocolates or grissini, I doubt they'd yell at me for grabbing a handful of them.
I cannot say the exact details about the journey I'm planning but it's from somewhere near Barcelona to somewhere near Brussels. I'm using street view to check the locations, there is an option for bike or walk itinerary too but I'm only using it as reference, I double-check manually everything, often the automatic path isn't very good. I managed to lay out a plan for the first 50 kilometers in just a couple hours, I'll print them and put everything inside an A5 organizer because I'm sure my phone's battery won't last long if I use it too much (I'm bringing solar chargers of course but you know how easily batteries die). I'm fully equipped, waiting a few things still on the road from China.