>>2285477I work in construction. Lots of overtime, 10-12 hour days, working weekends, etc. I live in the suburbs, bought the house I grew up in off of my parents. I don't live in the cabin; not yet. Currently I just go up there on weekends when I'm not working so I can do maintenance and work on the cabin/improving the land, and hunting season I'm there every single weekend, spend the first week of hunting season living in the cabin. Longest I've 'lived' in the cabin so far is a month straight. I've got it set up as a survival retreat and can stay there for years with my current supply of food and water, have about a year's worth of fire wood stockpiled. Still have a long way to go before it's self-sustaining enough that I can say "fuck having a full-time job" and just move up there and live by the sweat of my labor. At that point, I'll only need income to pay taxes on the land and buy things like books, coffee, whiskey, and internet access.