>family own many acres of property
>area has been a farm since around 1690
>stone walls and patches of wild apple trees pepper the landscape
>patches of dark cedar forest, swamps, fields of berries, streams, acres of ferns and paper birch
>at the edge of the property is a huge hill of about 100 acres
>farrow hayfield, still owned by a farmer from another town who hays it once or twice a year
>grew up in those woods. adventures, injuries, campouts, blizzards and autumn foliage, skunks and coyotes, finding old artifacts and stone foundations from the early inhabitants
>fight through the prickers and vines to gain access to the hill field
>magical place, endless weaves of long grass blowing in the wind
>views of the whole town
>fast forward some 25 years
>billionaire oil family buys 200 acres of land, including the entire field
>promptly closes all the local ATV/snowmobile trails that pass over the hill
>they build a gigantic disgusting mcmansion atop the hill
>never again will i touch the grass, the milkweed, look out over the valleys and hills
>lazy snowmobilers simply go around, chopping and clearing a road through our property
>spent 18 months battling ATVs and dirtbikers making a round through my woods
>several signs, all defaced and vandalized, fences broken and logs removed
>local snowmobile club publishes their official trail map of 2018
>includes the route through our and our neighbor's property
>they take money from their members to fund destroying our land so everyone can trespass on it
>finally go to police, didn't want to have to do this
>police call snowmobile club
>anyone who passes through will be arrested
>trail is permanently closed, snowmobiling is canceled this year
>offer refunds on trail passes to their members