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No.1799835 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a green-text for you mates.

>Live in southern England
>Go camping to an RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) nature reserves to fish and camp
>Fishing goes well, exhausted I find a nice spot under a Rowan to sleep
>My surroundings are a birch wood on one side, and a silty hill on the other with indescribable plants and clusters of large shrubs
>No tent btw
>Get fire going, it's nice and warm
>As darkness falls I begin to hear something rather odd in the distance:


..3 second interval


>This repeats for an hour
>I guess it's a pheasent
>Very annoying but ohwell what did I expect
>Get in my sleeping bag ready to sleep and the fire is almost just embers
>What, the, fuck, is that. I cannot describe how devilish this sound was, it I were to match it to an animal to the best of my knowledge I would honestly say it must have been a gorilla or one of a ring wraith
>This is the least of it, more sounds are soon to ensue
>Fire goes down to embers
>I cannot sleep with this noise, and I'm generally disturbed
>Fire goes out completely
>The scream I described earlier now returns... This time it is RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO ME
>This CANNOT be a bird, it is so loud and sounds like it is ten meters away from me
>Shine flashlight into darkness in attempt to scare it off / identify the source of this unnaturally loud scream
>Literally nothing that I can see
>Screaming stops for a minute
>Thank-you maybe I can sleep now
>Screaming resumes
>Continues until shortly before sunrise
>At about this time every fucking bird in the land seems wakes up and starts singing
>Didn't sleep much that night