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No.1871597 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently lucked my way into some property surrounded by 20 acres of state land. The problem is I'm not /out/ at all. Checked it out and there were tons of deer tracks surrounding the house and in the woods. My property is the blue square, ~1 acre. I can hunt on the state land per my state law. I want to learn how to hunt to sustain myself as much as possible. I have a shotgun and a rifle but I know nothing about hunting.

"we have this thread every week do your research" I know that probably gets old but it's more comforting to get a bunch of opinions on my specific situation then scour through random links/vids on the internet

1. How do I set myself up to hunt deer efficiently from my backyard? Is there some type of bait that I can lay out on my property and then go open season?
2. What's the best way to accurately zone and mark my property line so I know when I'm on and off my property?
3. Tips on discretely marking off areas on the state land so I don't get lost while wandering the land, while still preserving the natural land?
4. OBLIGATORY - what would you do if you had this land, related or unrelated to deer hunting