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are camping stoves proprietary canisters jewery?

No.1976196 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need to buy a camping stove urgently, and the only reasonably-priced ones I can find in stores near me (Decathlon) say in their description you should only use Butane/Propane mix cartridges from the same manufacturer. How true is this?
Is it possible to cheaply make or buy an adapter?
>be me
>2016 class trip with highschool class during last year of highschool
>everyone's parents are city yuppies that never take them /out/
>My dad took me /out/ camping a bit so I make fires and prepare food for the whole class
>class trip ends and I forget about this; wasn't a big deal

>fast forward to today, studying in different city where many people from HS are
>new years party
>meet hot gril from HS who happens to be there
>shes gotten hotter and become a organic sustainable art hoe
>after talking a bit, she says she likes "feeling close to nature" and stuff
>talks more during the whole night, at one point says "anon you're like really good at like outdoors stuff right? I remember in highschool you made a so good stew on the campfire.. do you think we could go camping together and you could make it for me?"
>say yes, thought she'd forget about it anyways

>get a message from her, says shes "fed up with the city" (dk how to translate to english) and she wants to go hike in a National park with some mountains an hour outside the city.
>I say yes
>"nice, how about friday"
>uuh ok
>hike she wants to do is above treeline + everything is cold and damp right now so I can't make a fire

(tl; dr)
I need to buy a stove sometime thursday (I have work tomorrow), and the store has some reasonably priced ones (20 to 40 euros, pic related is 30), but I don't want to pay to become the butanewhore for one brand
I want to take my stove with me in other countries, including ones that might not have the same store and brand.