>>2683254Look dude I get what you’re saying, I would move if I lived somewhere that fishing licenses were actually enforced, but what I’m saying is the fishing in Florida is only good in certain parts and the best area (Miami region, tons of lakes and canals as well as ocean, the sea fish regularly end up in freshwater canals behind houses too), is just super fucking expensive. As in, the average 1bed in not the safest areas is $2k/mnth. Buying a house isn’t going to be an option for most people either. Theres a couple viable places left taht hit all marks: fishing (not just salt, freshwater too as in canals and lakes scattered everywhere), affordable, while being a little safer and cleaner than, say, most of Miami.
I know you said Germany but if people joke and think you guys have a brown problem right now I implore you to visit Florida anywhere but the panhandle.
So many people move here it’s one of the highest population states in this country. You have the immigrants in new york flooding in because they can’t handle NY weather, you have the immigrants form islands and South America coming here legitimately because it’s closest and similar weather to what they’re used to, then you have the elderly form all over who move here and buy up all the properties, etc. pretty much people from all over the country move here despite that it hasn’t been what its romanticized as in a long time.
The pros are fishing and not having to drive an hour out of your way to fish usually, latinas.
I’m looking to move personally, so Kim has I find a place with affordable rent and that has decent fishing because that’s all I do. Florida could be great. But not anymore.
If money isn’t an issue youll enjoy it here. And nothing I posted matters in that case, you’ll be able to buy a $900k house that’s actually worth $350k in a nice area or pay the $3k/mnth rent. Be not around ghetto blacks, white trash, or hood spics but decent people instead.
>>2683255Thanks man