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Boots for rucking?

No.2687529 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for boots to use when rucking, I practically only go on hard asphalt.

Normally I always just use running shoes, but since I'm preparing for conscription a few years from now I'd like to make the switch over to boots to get used to them for when the times comes.

So that's when I decided to buy a pair of Vietnam jungle boots from like the seventies and Jesus Christ I'm never doing that shit again. I had literally never gotten blisters on my feet up until I wore those pieces of shit. The soles were also fucking rock solid, my feet ached like crazy. So I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations?

If it helps; I mainly run > walk > run > walk > when I'm out. I don't have any weird foot problems like pronating or flat feet of that sort either.

I appreciate all the help I can get!