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Hiking with an overweight/stubborn bf

No.2711855 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Need advice. My boyfriend is quite overweight, he seems to be ok for the most part when we go on hikes but the downhill part always gets him. If it’s even the smallest bit rocky or the ground has a bit of mud he always slips and completely wipes out on the way down.

The past few times he wiped out completely on the way down and this happened three hikes in a row.

He thinks he is cursed but I told him it’s likely because of his weight.

The other issue is that he literally has poor vision and refuses to get glasses or even checked. He has had poor vision for several years now. I even notice it when he is driving. Im not sure if this could be part of why he slips but he claims he can see well for at least a few meters. He is also claiming his vision has improved but he hasn’t gotten it tested for a few years.

Does anyone have general advice or tips I can give him for hiking overall?

He moves very slowly too so it’s not like we’re being too fast or something.

I tried explaining to him about the 10 essentials but he doesn’t care and thinks I’m being ridiculous. He keeps saying he doesn’t care if he gets wet and we’re not that far from the car ever for it to matter (our hikes usually last a few hours in total maximum, but we have gone up steep places that would become dangerous if it started to rain). Does anyone have advice?

I also tried explaining hypothermia to him and he doesn’t care about what I have to say. Also he finds backpacks annoying and uncomfortable.

Last time we had a scare where I saw a deer running away and heard a growling bear noise right after and it was really hard to even convince him to turn back around. Idk what to do.

Pic related are the shoes he wears hiking