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Most environmentally responsible brands and alternatives to plastics?

No.2713447 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not trying to sound like an environmental hipster elitist but I want to know the most environmentally friendly brands/apparel and especially that uses natural fibers with no harsh chemical treatments (ex: superwash/hercosett 125). I'm not a hardcore outdoorsman so I don't need the latest and the best, I just want to avoid anything plastics because it makes me feel better. Some brands and apparel I found:

>Cima Coppi
great cycling brand that makes use of merino wool. They use plastics but it's plant based and frankly, no other cycling brand compares to them in terms of eco friendly

Great merino mid layers but I haven't tried their other products

There are some other good stuff with other brands like the Ansur collection of Klattermunsen that use a pressed organic cotton garment that works as a shell, great windproofing. Also, for technical backpacks I haven't found anyone that uses natural fibers aside from Fjallraven Singi backpacks that has some cotton in them and a wooden frame

What other products/brands you recommend?