>>2801533I'm just terrible at moose calls. Can't get em right.
>>2801385Bull? Back up, you're fine. Cow with calf? Back up, keep backing up, just leave. Went hiking with some girls once and on the way back down the mountain the girl in front nearly walked into a cow with a calf (no shit, was less than a yard from her). Amazing how fast girls get behind the guy with a gun when there's danger, had to back up 400 yards of steep switchback with gun in one hand and beer in the other before she fucked off to find the calf.
The scary part came a week later when I took that same gun to the range. Hadn't unloaded or loaded it. First attempted shot the action on the revolver totally bound up - took two minutes to get it free again. I would have been dead had she pushed the matter. I don't carry that gun any more.
That particular cow got killed a month later after picking a fight with an entire sled dog yard.