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Knife + Firesteel

No.298268 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello people,

first: excuse my language, english is not my first. Currently I am still using a firesteel with attached scraper thingy. Since it might get lost, break, or whatever, I want to do it the bushcraft way and use my knife as a scraper. Thing is, I have a Glock field knife. inb4 hurr glock, no, I won't replace it and buy one for ten times the price, as it has taken me through several hikes, tours and whatnot and I really like it. Now the problem with it is the baack of the blade is a) too smooth and b) it has no real edge with which to scrape the steel.
Now here is my problem: I thought of just filling a part of the back close to the handle to roughen it up, but I don't know how that will affect the structural integrity of the knife, i.e. weaken the back so it might break easier. I mean, we are talking about a fraction of a mm, but couldn't that already suffice to weaken it? I am not educated in metallurgy and knife-making, so I thought I might ask here. Maybe someone has done something similar before and has experience.

Pic related, but not mine. Red circle indicates area.