Let's play a game /p/. Search for your town on instagram and post a screenshot of the Top Posts. Based on these photos alone, the rest of /p/ will try to guess how hard it is to find interesting things to photograph in your town, whether it be for landscapes, cityscapes, street photography, or models for portrait photography. 0 being piss easy and 10 being pure suffering.
tarted out on photogrophy and saw the 300,000 dollar contest on pcellectives instagram. Im thinking about doing a city scape 100 theme for my entry dnte the contest. Any thoughts on photography technique i can use to make my photo visually interesting
This is the Film General Thread: "Landscape" Edition.
This is a place to post about anything film related. Processing, scanning, developing, gear, etc is all fair game. Let's fill this thread with images so please include an image with your post.
Have fun! Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
Any post without an image attached should be ignored because the poster is obviously incompetent.