>>4287106It's a pretty common reason for switching, but I think its crazy that people switch based of in-camera jpg processing. I hate the idea of feeling like my aesthetic is tied so strongly to what gear I'm using, since I change gear over time. There are differences when shooting RAW, but I'd always suggest just getting better with processing, which will further help with varied lighting situations and ambient environments. Lenses all have their own color too and can very just as much as bodies do.
I've seen pictures I like, with colors I like, from every brand so it's not like I couldn't get what I want with any brand, some just give me a better starting point. If the time / workflow savings are there, seems reasonable to me. I shoot multi-system, and matching colors across systems would be a good reason to switch down to one system, but I don't mind it.
>>4287006One of bodies is 7.5 years and still going strong, started most of my paid work with it. That old, I'd absolutely be looking full frame and at least 24mp (unless Nikon Df).