www.instagram.com/cheese_snapperI haven't shot anything in a month, I can't afford a new batch of developer right now and I feel like all I shoot is trash anyway.
>>3509866Really good stuff, the locations are nice but you're not using them as crutches. The last pic of the tree is my favourite.
>>3509882Some shots feel derivative but I like the aesthetic
>>3509923Most of these look like snapshots except for the boat which is great
>>3509995Great compositions
>>3510075Not really interesting imo
>>3510092Not a fan of the SEA urban aesthetic but you have a really good eye for compositions
>>3510170I don't like this aesthetic but you execute it very well
>>3510195Hit or miss but like 70% hit, I like it
>>3510209Already following, nice stuff
>>3510566Good compositions, why did you delete the church/cathedral shot?
>>3510837Every one of these shots is great, but the format isn't great for instagram
>>3510838Top mid, top right and the middle picture seem boring in comparison to the rest which are really good. Nice consistent editing and interesting shots
>>3511404>>3511402I remember you. Foveon is notoriously bad in low light, get faster lenses instead. f/5.6 is really slow. Even an f/2.8 lens will be 4 times faster than f/5.6
>>3511972Top right and bottom mid aren't that interesting, but the rest are good.
>>3512154Top mid and right are good, the rest is boring
>>3512257Very touristy
>>3512262All very good, top mid is my least favourite
>>3512487Szerintem értem mi itt az ötlet, ha érdekel ez a fajta sivár vagy mundane (nem tudom minek hívjam) stílus próbálj közelebbi alanyokat keresni és olyan hétköznapi pillanatokat elkapni amik nem léteznek Magyarországon vagy Észak Európán kívül. Pl egy csomó balatoni nyaralónak nagyon tipikus volt szocialista érzése van, ami bennem ilyen fura melankolikus nosztalgiát ébreszt egy olyan kor iránt amiben nem éltem soha és nem is szeretnék, de aminek a nyomai körülvettek egész életemben.