>>4323776You know what, fuck it I'm going to give it to you. I probably should be more humble but this was a troll thread and I thought nut swinging was allowed here but anyway. My bad guys.
Fucking printing, dude I have been shooting since I was a kid and I am just now building a print setup, I scored a nice Beseler 67 totally free from a curbside pickup with 2 enlarging lenses and like 4 or 6 carriers. Has all the color filters too. I saw that while I was on my way to visit my parents, they live in a nice neighborhood and I slammed on my brakes when I figured out what it was. '
>>4323663I'ma swing my nuts one last time and I'll shut the fuck up.
I was there, and you weren't. Not only that, I did the last one too pic related and got to bullshit with a couple of the Atlantis astronauts during the rollout. I also saw the launch from 5 miles away and was present for the landing as well as the rollout to its current display. I like to troll sometimes but really I wished you were there to see it, shit was fuckin cool. we built that, humans did.