>>4249333PYW is not a good argument in gear disagreements. PYW only works when someone passes a judgement on your work and you want to see what they're capable of so you know whether to take it seriously... really, everyone should be doing this regardless of whether it's a negative or positive comment.
On the other hand, good critique doesn't require a photo from the critic in order for it to hold water. The problem is that 90% of "critique" on /p/ is just harsh judgements meant to inflame because "lol learn to deale with le harsh critic it in a stickie". Good critique considers multiple factors and is based on the work itself, not just "this is good" or "this is bad".
So, first: stop arguing and getting heated about gear
Second: learn how to critique capably
Third: don't make it personal (see above)
Fourth: be ready to show your own photos because sharing is caring
Number four can only come into practice once asking for someone else's work starts being an invitation and not a defense. It'll stop being a defense if anons quit bickering and learn how to express their opinions and to disagree effectively. It'll be tough to get there because 4chan culture is such that everyone comes here to bicker and let out their frustrations etc. I don't have a solution for that, but we can collectively make it a bit better.