I havent been posting much lately. Just havent felt like taking photos ig. Crtique/feedback is super appreciated.
>>3509837 (OP)I feel like if you had a more consistant theme, I could follow. Too all over the place on memey shit/other stuff that belongs on a snap story not and instagram feed.
>>3509866Clean, followed.
>>3509995Like your work, esp the black and white stuff. Followed.
>>3510170Id chill it on the orange/blue overbearing colors. Feels kinda tacky.
>>3510710Followed as well. Good vibes.
>>3511360Lay off the clarity slider lmfao. A lot of these are just snapshits with way too heavy post-processing. Maybe start thinking about your photos before you take them, yeah?
>>3516116Really like your colors and themes. Following.