>>4253371It's a myth put forth by people who don't understand how we see color or Bayer demosaicing. These people believe that the best color comes with sharp cutoffs between R, G, and B in the color filter array. And that digital cameras suffered when CFAs were changed to allow more light...and more RGB overlap...for better high ISO performance. (This happened around 2010 with different times for different model lines.)
The truth is that CFAs always had overlap, as do your cone cells, and the increased light transmission with "weak" CFAs resulted in a better ability to distinguish colors and tones than in prior "strong" CFAs.
>>4253381>there's more crosstalk than between conesI know you've never even bothered checking on this, so here is a graph of wavelength overlap in human cone cells. I can't say that I've seen graphs for every sensor ever made, but there's more overlap here than in any Bayer sensor for which I have seen a graph.