>>3683719>Obviously even the shittiest of modern kit lenses btfos the nicest primes from the 70s Incorrect, 1970s primes are pretty damn good, especialy when stopped down to the same aperture as a modern kit lens.
If you took a 1970s 50 mm prime and çompared it to a 2020 kit lens at 50 mm, both stopped down to the same aperture, I'm pretty damn sure a decent 1970s prime is still sharper than a 2020 kit lens.
>(computer aided design is one helluva drug) That is correct, allthough they allready did use computers to calculate lens formulas in the 1960s, especialy the designers of the 8-element 50 mm f/0.7 Planar made use of an IBM computer to
The impact of more modern computers is larger in the more complex zoom lenses of today where there isn't just one almost fixed optical path than in relatively simple prime lenses that just have to foocus from 3 m to infinity most of the time.