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Why do photographers always have bad luck?

No.4260456 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>because they open umbrellas indoors!

no but really how do i make my selfies ideal with a 8mp camera and lighting wise, how ths fuck and why do you guys use umbrellas? im aware of the rembrandty cheek effect triangle, but is that really considered high standard aka yes dumbass every pro knows this tier.

fwiw im a 2d oil painter on the spectrum, i just basically asking about how to use umbrellas to get the best selfie thanks. i hate this vapid shit but no one takes my paintings seriously because once they see how i pgotograph myself for instagramable (evidently THE platform in the usa, at least, ive never had `can i get ur insta`? fail after meeting some other creative type at the kava bar.

also how do i generally get into budget pro photography uwu gimme like a 700 $ budget and tips and tricks, from the ground up counting camera and set up drapery etc. mainly inviting pretty gals to be photographed professionally to then be oil painted. also last question how 2 best photograph artworks and commo mistakes made? pic relzted is my artwork of female classmate who loved to pzint forests from uni. next post selfie to follow.