Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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This really is all a natty needs

No.4287036 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Upper Power Day
Bench variant 2x4-6
Press variant 2x4-6
Row variant 3x6-8
Side delt isolation 3x8-10
Trap isolation 3x8-10

Lower volume + Arms
Curl variant 3x12-15
Tricep variant 3x12-15
Forearm/Brachialis variant 3x12-15
Squat variant 2x15-20
Hamstring variant 2x15-20
Calf raise 3x15-20

Upper Volume Day
Bench variant (not barbell) 3x12-15
Press variant (not barbell) 3x12-15
Pullup or lat pulldown 3x12-15
Side delt isolation 3x12-15
Trap isolation 3x12-15

Lower + Arms power day
straight bar or EZ close grip curls 2x8-10
Tricep press or extension 2x8-10
Forearm/Brachialis variant 2x10-12
Squat variant work up to a new training max
SLDL/RDL 2x4-8
Calfe raise 2x8-10

Abs done twice a week on whatever days you choose. Cardio done as needed on off days or hours after lifting.