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Always carry a camera with you?

No.4309205 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>work a day job, not much time outside of weekends to take photos
>want to shoot more
>started carrying my camera with me on all times, on commutes, on walks, on errands, etc.
>taking lots of great photos, able to recognize and react to moments as they develop

>over time, feeling like quality is starting to drop off
>commutes are the same, not much new to see
>I'm too busy looking for photos on my days off to really engage with people around me/with me
>my photography has become much more passive, don't really have any active thoughts around what photo I want to look for
>now all of my photos feel like I didn't "earn" them because I didn't plan them out

I know it's because of photo fatigue, but the idea of not having my camera and missing a good moment kills me. How do you guys (suggest to) go about this/have you had this happen to you?

I usually have a personal project on the side to keep my mind focused and give me a sense of direction, but I don't have any going on currently.