>>4388317Likelihood that all those prints you paid for will survive through the years aside... my problem with prints is that you have no hope of controlling what your image will look like when it is finally seen. Sure the print is at best 300dpi, and the color accuracy is about 4-bit, but worse, the casual bastard who looks at your print forms their first impression of your image by seeing it at whatever angle they happen to have grabbed it, randomly lit by whatever light at whatever temp happens to be in the room at whatever distance, no guarantees that they're even seeing it flat and not bent or distorted... prints are the worst way to display a photo there is. A proper calibrated display is ideal, otherwise, a projection set by the artist to reflect their intentions.
Plus then after babying your prints for 25 years, that day your cunting brother in law pops over when you're on vacation and stands on your archives to grab that copy of the lease for you, or the fucking moisture that got in bc the carpet got damp doesn't totally destroy everything. Only print what you need to satisfy a client. Otherwise you're just adding to the bulk of shit you have to drag with you through this life and the stress of maintaining it.