>>4395995I like photography but I also like cameras as technology, and I like collecting them
I have never met another photographer I get along with well enough to even call them an acquaintance.
I think pretty much every photographer is self-centred and mediocre. Such is the nature of the person who settles for the form of visual art that a machine makes for you.
I lie to my clients telling them I'm shooting on the latest and greatest gear when in reality my camera is 17 years old and no one has ever noticed or said anything to me about it.
I think if photographers stopped to ask questions and got to know people maybe they wouldn't be the absolute worst kind of person to talk to, but instead all of them just tell you about themselves and become disinterested if you're not carrying the conversation or praising them at every phrase.
I tell people I shoot Nikon/Fuji and then post retarded things on purpose because those people always have the baldest most explosive reactions