>>11112020Who did Vince create who had been a genuine enduring star?
Hulk Hogan wasn't Vince.
Steve Austin was going nowhere until Bret Hart.
Vince pushed Lex Lugar, Diesel, and Shawn Michaels over Bret Hart - despite fans being firmly behind the Hitman and him able to keep the company going.
The Rock was protected by Bret Hart and Austin.
Mick Foley was doing nothing until Austin pulled him out of mid-card hell and put him in the main event scene (which would lead to things like HIAC, his first title win, and the I Quit match).
John Cena was going to be cut before Stephaine (fucking Stephaine) saw his Vanilla Ice impression and costume.
Didn't allow Randy Savage to work with Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels.
Didn't book Flair vs Hogan when that was the hottest thing to book.
WWF New York failed
XFL failed
His Wife's political career failed.
The reality is that in the land of the retarded the man with double digits is king and in land with the likes of Bitchoff and Cucknette, that isn't very hard.
>>11112034Yes and no. Vince was very forward-thinking and ruthless in his destroying the territories and poaching and talent, and his success with things like Wrestlemania can't be taken from him. But let's not pretend he's some brilliant genius or he has the formula for making someone a star.
>>11112083I think this a reasonable way to look at it, but my point is that Vince has made way more mistakes than he has successes - especially when it comes to who is and isn't a star. Vince has his ideal and you will conform to it. It was one of the reasons the Austin/McMahon feud was so good because there was something very genuine behind it.