>>10473430Chase Owens has been around for centuries, but he's a shitter. Joined the club back when Omega was the leader, back in 2016. Omega even passed down the V-Trigger to him, now the C-Trigger. Again, though, he's an absolute shitter, so it's no surprise he never gained relevance as the Bullet Club generations and focuses keep shifting. Couldn't make it in the Omega era, couldn't make it in the White era, couldn't make it in the coof EVIL era, already an after thought in the Finlay era too. He might have some fun kino with Gabriel Kidd, I guess.
Hikuleo returned from his excursion. He's a gaijin, so the generations are a bit hard to place. When he started, Ren Narita, Shota Umino and Great-O-Khan were Young Lions.
Came back, has looked very strong, has yet to lose clean to anyone since graduating and is the man kayfabe responsible for sending Jay White packing from Japan. Used to be in Bullet Club but betrayed them for his BROTHERS Tama and Tanga.
Gabriel Kidd is one of the L.A. Dojo guys, same as Alex Coughlin. They were trained under Shibata's wing but have basically done nothing since. Then a few weeks ago they joined Bullet Club and seem to be getting a push into relevance now. Kidd in particular once had a huge twitter meltdown where he shoot trash-talked everyone. Had to delete his tweets and go on some mental recovery journey. They're both good, though.
David Finlay's character is that he's the Jannetty of his gaijin generation. Jay White obviously eclipsed him, then Juice, his partner he won tag titles with, joined Bullet Club and betrayed him. Now, they both cut their cocks off and David Finlay is the new leader. He's sneaky underrated but certainly not on Jay White's level. The coof halted his momentum but he showed signs of brilliance throughout it.
Aaron Henare used to be called Toa Henare and come out in tribal paint. Always a jobber. Joined United Empire a few years go but basically still the jobber.