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WWE/TKO teams up with the Special Olympics

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>TKO and the Special Olympics are forming a new “tag team” aimed at getting their fan base up and moving. Nick Khan, President of WWE, explains.
>”The Special Olympics are all about celebrating the diversity of athletes around the world, and our fan base is no less special in their own way. We want to help nurture our fans, teach them a little about exercise, and hopefully keep them alive and around for a few more years.”
>During the month of November all of WWE’s flagship shows will include a 15 minute “workout break” hosted by a WWE superstar and a Special Olympian. Viewers at home are encouraged to get off the couch, put down their devices, and follow along with the simple, easy to replicate exercises.
>”We want our fans to feel safe, so we won’t be doing anything too intense,” adds WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes. “But these are good exercises for anyone, even world-class athletes like the WWE superstars!”
>A recent study showed that the average WWE fan watches nearly 16 hours of content a day and very rarely exercises beyond walking from the couch to the bathroom or kitchen. Many are housebound due to mental and physical disabilities, making regular exercise and social interactions nearly impossible.
>”Our fans face a lot of challenges in daily life,” continued Nick Khan. “Getting some basic exercise shouldn’t be one of them.”