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Macho Man Randy Savage with a /pw/ update

No.7771922 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Copied and pasted from thread prior. The shankfaggot 12 hour recap.

I was asleep during majority of it. But shankhomo spent his time a samefagging manually tracked GET in a Aussie football league thread on /sp/. I murked it after he wasted 6 hours of whatever samefaging it, which made jan lock thread LOL. The no life dumbass still wasted his time samefagging it KEK even though it obvious he could no longer bump as it was locked.

He also spammed the link to the GET comment above in countless threads here (from what I seen nobody give a fuck and all the threads got archived, except the Nash threads as he necrobumps those ones).

Speaking of which he's as per usual necrobumping Nash threads here. He's currently necrobumping 6 Nash related threads from what I see. All falseflags. NONE are drawing worth a shit. He will be doing this ALL day. But we murked them some will might get removed and rest archived when he does eventually leave.

Thanks for reading the shankfaggot 12 hour recap.

>UPDATE the shankfaggot 15 hour recap

He posted a thread about a comment some random made on /sp/ with a Turkish flag. He got worked by a random with VPN and claimed it was "wolfie". For some reason he posted a thread about this comment here. I don't know why he thought it was so amazing or why people would care. He also posted a thread with a Turkish flag LOL. Turns out the guy was just some random who didn't care about wrestling and just wasn't to talk about Aussie foootball. Shankism was spergoing out at him though.

Shankqueer then started spamming Nash threads and trying to flood board but the new threads all got murked pretty fast.

Currently he's necrobumping Nash threads and samefagging a comment with a post number ending in "92" in at least one of the Nash threads.

>UPDATE the shankfaggot 16 hour recap

He's still necrobumping

Thanks for reading the Shankfaggot recap.