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Dax Harwood Comments on Road Dogg: "As a person, I don't know how much respect I have for him"

"So I think from the day Road Dogg met me, he didn't like me. We had a match that you may have heard of, against American Alpha at Dallas, NXT Dallas. That's one of my favorites of all time. I had in my mind what that match was. I had a story I wanted to tell. I knew the false finishes I wanted. I knew exactly how we wanted the front half to go. I knew exactly what was going to work. He offered an idea the night before Dallas. We were talking with Jordan and Gable. I was explaining to them the story that I wanted to tell and he offered an idea. I didn't shoot it down. I just didn't think it fit into the story that I wanted to tell.”

“He went to an unnamed source who was a very big part of the WWE office and he proceeded to bury me and told that person that I thought I knew everything and I would never try to learn anything and all this stuff, and so you know, I had my own reservations about him."

"Then come later that year, I want to say it was right around December, there was some sort of gimmick gauntlet tag team match on SmackDown and for some reason the fans thought The Revival was going to make their debut there. The fans were tweeting and freaking out over it. When the match was over, and you know, we were heels, and so I went on Twitter and said, 'You fans thought that we were going to debut on the main roster in a stupid gimmick gauntlet match, you've lost your mind', or something like that. At the time, Road Dogg was booking and he took offense to that because I said stupid gimmick. He proceeded right on Twitter that if I kept it up, he would make sure that I'll never make it to the main roster, which if I never make it to the main roster that cuts into my money, which goes into the money that I make for my family, which I can provide for my daughter who can go to college, or I can make sure my wife has food on the table, and that's what bothered me.”