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No.9463646 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do you hate aew?
For me it’s not even so much because the product is shit and filled with a bunch of skinny midgets doing circus acrobat stuff, even tho it definitely is. I could even look past the awful matches and terrible promos if they had any stories worth investing in or actual characters with charisma, but they don’t have those either.
No, the reason I truly hate aew and will not stop until it’s out of business is because of the fans. They’re worse than sonic the hedgehog fans. Insufferable trannies who have such sunk cost fallacy that they have mental breakdowns over the slightest criticism of aew and will stretch themselves into a pretzel to defend it at any cost. I want them to suffer. I want them to feel pain. So I go out of my way to knock out people I see in aew shirts in public. So I send mass emails to Aew’s advertisers telling them I don’t like what I’m seeing on my tv. I won’t rest until aew is dead.