Quoted By:
“Aubrey… we have a teacher here now. She is... quite experience, it seems. So, calm down.”
“Jenn! You just heard Ash scream again!”
“And that means Ashley is still alive! We have Travis to protect, the Headmistress or Headmaster to inform when they get here! We can’t go out doing stupid, deadly shit! We are 16! There are skilled, fully grown witches and wizards here! The Pukwudgies! We were lucky to kill that Hidebehind. Think!”
“Jenn!” And your hand was already on your wand.
“Do NOT make me stun you! I have trouble pulling my punches and I don’t want to hurt my newest little sister. Miss Cross, you might want to pop away before Aubrey can try to hi-jack a ride from you.”
“That does seem wise, young Diviner. Well then, a bit out of practice but I suppose fighting the Dark? It is like riding a bike.”, and the older red-head grabbed a tiny draw from her little flask before popping away as Aubrey jumped to try and grab hold to go along as well before landing on her knees.
“D-damn it! God fucking damn it! Ash needs more help! She’s going to die like Jess! Cross needs back up, we need-“, and the tall girls hand was shaking as it was next to her wand and a gun. Some of it was anger, you knew… but quite a bit was fear. The sensation of helplessness and failure. You got that much from her.
“What you need to do is come here, ‘Brey right beside your sisters and your… rival. We are going to put shields up until the Headmistress gets here. Come on. You already did well. You said yourself Hidebehinds weren’t a joke, what could crack the wards is probably worse.”, you said to the kneeling girl… you had your own suspicions about what damaged the barriers. It involved four blood red comets shooting out. Didn’t explain the doors. Maybe not the anti-apparition wards either. But you thought you might have had an unwitting hand in this.
Not just got someone hurt, but killed this time.
Stupid fucking Jennifer.
“Come one, ‘Brey. A hand up. We all need one sometimes.”, and you reached down, squatted really, and got a pair of cold eyes gray behind large glasses that were looking down at a lightly trembling hand then back up at you bloodied lip.
“O-okay. Alright. I-I’m sorry about hitting you, Jenn. Can we still be-be friends? I was just- just so-“, and you cut her off
“Yeah. Still my newest little sister. My new friend. You can’t believe the number of bruises I’ve got from me and and Emmy sparring over the years and one time I got her in the head so hard it might have made her retarded. Probably why she is such a slut.”, you said as you lead the taller girl to where Travis was laying and your other little sisters were sitting with wands out.
“Jenn? Frick you. I am still a pure and chaste Thunderbird maiden.”
“That’s why you don’t wear underthings half the time?”
“You know I think they are uncomfortable!”