Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
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>>6120952 >What is a quest? An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure
Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/dZavHuK >Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU >Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja >Old pastebin containing advice for QMs: https://pastebin.com/Z78p8gXf Badly in need of renovation.
>Archiving guide: Go to
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.
>Formatting guide: Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
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>Formatting guide for everyone: Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice] (optionally you can add modifiers: dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice]+[modifier]; for a negative modifier type: +-[modifier]
Examples: dice+1d100 = a 1d100 roll, dice+1d100+10 = a 1d100 roll with a +10 modifier.
spoiler or by pressing alt+s in-thread (doesn't work in OP)
>QM question: How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? Do you have any advice for aspiring QMs who might not have the same time management skills?
>Player question: Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on?
>General question(a): If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to?
>General question(b): Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait?
>Lurker question: Don't be a scrooge, vote!!!
>Miscellaneous question: Do you celebrate a holiday this time of year? If so, how do you celebrate?
>>6150243 >How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? Do you have any advice for aspiring QMs who might not have the same time management skills? I generally update as long as I've got some time to myself throughout the day, or at least in the evening. Every now and again I take a day, a weekend, or a week-or-two to myself. The last, longest breaks I usually take at thread-end, sometimes even ending a bit early or keeping a thread running a little LONG to make it work. In general, though, as long as you're communicative with players and don't ghost, they'll wait.
>Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on? On /qst/, I'm mainly here for the narrative, not for the mechanical bits or mystery-solving, especially involving pictures or reading through archives. There's lots of reasons for this: personal preference, frustration with other players making dumb choices that undermine even careful planning, the sheer number of quests I read and play, often being on mobile where pics and archive-binges are less convenient. When there's strategy and tactics as a focus, though, I tend to leave that to anons with more time or a sharper mind, and when there's in-depth lore I will +1 whoever seems to have their poop in a group.
>Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? I keep cookies on my main devices, and bought a 4chan pass. The dramatic slowdown has impacted my enthusiasm a bit, though. I'm actually considering whether or not, sometime after this quest or next, I might have to consider another site to run on. I hope that we stay stable enough that this isn't the case, though.
>Do you celebrate a holiday this time of year? If so, how do you celebrate? I spend a few keys days with friends and family, even now. Fewer and fewer as time goes by, but I guess that's just life...
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6150243 >QM question: Just doing my first quest but I am not a huge fan of holidays aside from 4th of July or Halloween. In the past, I would work most of them, so I would likely take a break if it was back then. Now, just depends on how many family/friends things I have to attend to it seems.
>Player question: Depends. For quests, I am super into, I try to always contribute if I can. In some, I know people are more into it, but I like to think I can add a little something usually.
>General question(a): A cure for butt cancer to Crusty, 10 years ago.
>Miscellaneous question: Just general Christmas stuff. Decorate. Put a tree up. Open presents Christmas Eve, eggnog and booze, sleep in Christmas day, lots of food I usually make like 80% of for the family when I go over. Pretty normal.
>>6150243 >Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? Drastically. I've made a post maybe five times this past month, when I used to post religiously in every thread I read. If this site change remains permanent, then I'm probably going to abandon questing entirely. I'm not saying that to be dramatic or to throw myself in with the doomers, but to be honest. It's killing my desire to be involved because of the ridiculous requirements TO involve myself. It makes me wonder if I should even bother with it anymore. First the exodus, then the slow transition in quests so they barely resemble their /tg/ forefathers anymore, then increasingly bullshit captchas, now this 'anti spam feature'. I'm just tired of it, boss. How long can I keep watching this happen to something I used to love?
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>6150243 >QM QUESTION Eh, I've been distant with most of my family over the last couple of years so the holidays don't really impact my ability to run at all. They're just any other day to me.
>PLAYER QUESTION The main quest I engage in discussions with is on break for the time being so for now, I don't contribute to any. Don't really play a lot so I can't comment much on here.
>GENERAL QUESTION A I would give myself a drug to block my ability to have writer's block or to feel the urge to procrastinate ever again.
>GENERAL QUESTION B Eh. It doesn't impact me since I can usually just wait until I'm home to post an update. Moreso worried about how it impacts the players, though
>MISC QUESTION Christmas, yeah, but mostly as an abstract thing where I call my parents to talk to them and to get $200 in cash and giftcards from other family members.
I hate to admit it but the dwindling player base does drain some of my enthusiasm to run my quest.
>>6150458 >votes for a prompt and says nothing Anonymous
>>6150459 Sometimes I just have nothing meaningful to add.
All I want for Christmas is a GOOD fantasy Quest
>>6150502 Sorry, I can only offer you a good Halo quest in the near future
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi ID:Fd+/NF4u Sun 01 Dec 2024 12:14:56 No. 6150579 Report Quoted By:
SuperBusy !!r0G0pXK2t+6
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Just dropping in with a quick PSA to anyone interested that Pokemon Trainer Quest is back. Anyone interested please drop by.
Anyone who thought it was dead... well no. The name is what it is for a reason.
>>6145818 Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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we have a MASSIVE update for The Caretaker Quest!
whats different about this one, you ask?
well for one, the caretaker is temporarely out and we now have a NEW protagonist (althought for a limited time of course).
But thats not all!
Immediately, Potter is after you and investigating about the accident that put our dear caretaker out of comission!
Will you make something up or will you share your findings?
Vote now to find out!
>>6122821 >>6122821 >>6122821 Anonymous
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>>6150502 Just you wait, anon. I'm cooking. It's really low fantasy, but it is fantasy. I've already got the map ready. Now i'm just trying to figure out how to do and start it...
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>>6150502 I'm not even close to finishing reading half the quests I've marked on the archive. Maybe, maybe by the time I'm done...
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>>6150692 Oh, kek, that was my own post. Dang, I was pretty drunk last night. Wonder if I voted in anything?
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
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>>6150243 >QM question: Honestly the holidays are probably when I update the most--even between shopping and parties I get a bunch of time off from work which gives me plenty of time to write AND draw. Definitely more than when I'm working, at least... I'm on my third quest now, so if I had to give any advice I'd just recommend being PRACTICAL: if you're busy doing shit just communicate with your players--they'll understand. Moreover, don't get discouraged if votes or interaction slow down, chances are your readers are doing holiday prep too.
>Player question: Always, especially when I pick up a new quest. It takes me a while to get into it, but once I do WATCH OUT! One thing I've noticed is that people are generally more open to collaboration if you add ideas with grace rather than putting down others. Quests are collaborative games, after all!
>General question(a): I would give all my fave QMs some more free time so they could actually run their fucking QUESTS! CHOP CHOP
>General question(b): It definitely sucks, but when I see people posting in my quest it humbles me because it means they were willing (unless they got around it somehow) to wait a shitload of time just to post! How can I not feel good about that? As a fellow player I know how annoying it can be to wait, but even one post can make a QM's day, guys. One of the easiest ways to show you support their work!
>Miscellaneous question: It's slowed down ever since we moved, but we try! Still working on financial crap, so there will be a lot less gifts this year, but we've still got friends and family a phonecall away, so I can't complain. I'm hoping everyone else on /qst/ is able to feel safe and loved in some way this year--it's easy to get bogged down by everything that's happening in the world, so I truly hope whatever your situation is you manage to treat yourself to a little happiness this holiday season.
SPEAKING of 'treating yourself' and 'happiness', DARK QUEST is still only on Thread 2 and the pace is rapidly picking up! Help ANTON PEAS navigate his way home after being transported to a fantasy world shrouded in perpetual darkness! It's got half-assed drawings! Shoddy attempts at humor! Regular updates! Needless to say, Dark Quest has it all! Come check it out while we're still fresh outta' the oven!
>>6137389 >>6137389 >>6137389 IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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Posted it in the old thread, might as well in this one.
Couple of votes leading up to our heroins fucking with stuff they probably shouldn't in Ilvermorny Quest
>>6150539 >>6150539 >>6150539 >>6150537 >>6150537 >>6150537 Anonymous
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>>6150450 >If this site change remains permanent Do we even know why the changes were made? Stop spam on the busier boards?
I don't think this will change but i'm not on the 4chan discord.
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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>>6150450 The exile was rough. I am ambivalent about the change in quest tone/structure. We still get some cool and interesting games. There are plenty of extensions that auto solve the capcha so not an issue. And I personally have not run into the anti-spam thing but once or twice, when posting outside links to lewdfics.
Honestly, it is just the lack of people that bugs me. I am fine if there aren't a ton of votes, but some days it seems like there are like 20 people tops on this board total. Just looked at a stat tracker and right now we are only averaging .5 posts a minute. Sucks, though it does pick up sometimes and I know Sundays are usually slow.
>How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? Do you have any advice for aspiring QMs who might not have the same time management skills? I usually don't need to make any special considerations. Since it's just a few days with the family and I do not update every day, so I am lucky enough that it is not an issue for me.
>Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on? If I feel like I have something to say, I will say it, even if someone is more knowledgeable than me. As for other QMs, I would like that they'd be clearer when they no longer want to run the quest. It is much better to know rather than sit in suspense.
>If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to? I would give Malal that runs 2nd Primarch quest a better PC. Dude has serious hardware issues.
>Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? Yes. This has caused me to lose interest, especially if it is late at night and I cannot be bothered for such a long wait. Though there are plenty of issues around concerning /qst/ and honestly, were it not for the complete anonymity and a guarantee that you can post basically whatever as long as it is not something lewd or absurdly fucked up, I would have probably left /qst/ already. I just don't like the alternatives and while there are few people here, it does give a "comfy" atmosphere.
More votes would still be nice though. >Do you celebrate a holiday this time of year? If so, how do you celebrate? Yes. With family.
And finally, I have to do a little bit of shilling concerning Theseus 40k A.I. quest. I made a poll concerning it on my twitter for anyone interested in it. Regardless, next weekend I will probably update it. Even though it probably means that I will lose formatting.
Also, the usual of asking you anons to check out Unbroken Empire: New Frontier
>>6132286 it is a civ quest Amateranne
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>>6149173 In a different world, two knights duel over spilled sake and insults. Come join in.
Considering that the 15-minute timer solved no problems on /qst/, everybody hates it, and it's killing the board, I wonder if we could go to the mod IRC and petition for it to be reduced or dropped for /qst/ specifically. It worked for the banner, after all.
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>>6150776 >some days it seems like there are like 20 people tops on this board total. There's about 30 regulars in the quest discord at any given time, and I'm assuming the majority of the board isn't in the discord, so triple or quadruple that is what I'd put as the minimum. Still not pretty, but better than 20.
>>6150799 Might as well! Though I fear it's a bandage on a bullet-wound.
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>>6150803 Better than sepsis, no?
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>>6150799 Anon, there isn't a single board that likes this timer. It doesn't do a single damn thing to spammers, but they still keep it. If you know how to go talk to a mod, I won't complain, but I wouldn't expect much.
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>>6150799 Good luck, anon!
>>6150243 >General question(a) Goblin girl (male) for reptoidqm.
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:aUu5YmKq Mon 02 Dec 2024 01:28:09 No. 6150946 Report Quoted By:
Man, taking some time off for Thanksgiving did wonders. Not for being well-rested, but for getting a break from the internet lol. Now I've got 12 days to work on the quest until its inevitable return... oh, and, happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone here!>QM question: This is the year I get to find out and see! I've never had the chance to ponder it haha. Given that my family isn't the super active type I'm not sure it'll affect my posting schedule (honestly more worried about participation, especially considering the state of the board atm) but depending on how things go I might end up taking a few days off. My birthday's right before the end of the year so I'll definitely take that day off too. >Player question: All the time unfortunately. I've got too many ideas of my own to let my own wild theorizing or puzzle-solving get involved in some other quest-- I tend to force myself to follow casually as an excited observer rather than as a dedicated fan. It makes QMs ghosting sting a lot less and makes the breaks much easier to bear. I do try to involve myself in votes by contributing at least a tiny bit of discussion, but it's usually a sentence or two/a prompt for others to start talking more in my stead lol.>General question(a): Personalized poultry for every QM here. If said QM does not like poultry, simply replace it with any given meat product. If said QM is a vegetarian/vegan, he can live without.>General question(b): Nope! Not one bit. Would a book being more obscure make it less interesting to read? Would a video game not known by another living being be any less fun to play?>Miscellaneous question: lol, I've got a few. I'm /pol/'s favorite punching bag so this year I get to celebrate Christmas with the normal people (sans the tree and gifts and holiday spirit and other such things), but there's basically nonstop holidays throughout the entire back half of December so I'm used to being pretty busy around then. Wonder how it'll be with the quest...
[GreyQM] !!93/W3iuzIST
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New QTG. Sweet.>QM question: I just slowed down my quest for the holidays, which start a bit later but still decently early here. We get Santa's racist cousin to give us presents instead.>Player question: I comment what needs to be said. Nothing more, nothing less. If someone else has said that something already, I keep quiet or agree.>General question(a): I'd give everyone the chocolate letter corresponding to the first letter of their name.>General question(b): Christ, it's so slow. To be fair, I wouldn't be able to keep up if it went faster, but its honestly surprising how dead silent QST is for half the week (and mostly just the weekend).>Lurker question: If I read, I vote.>Miscellaneous question: I already mentioned Sinterklaas.
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>>6150243 >Player question: Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on?
Depends on the quest. Is there enough going on that's worth discussing? Is there a system that allows my plan or discussion to actually feel like it matters or is it just a mindless roll-off? Is the scene or situation described with enough depth? I tend to write in and start discussion in those situations only. That and when arguing in favor of a particular level up type option. Unfortunately that's also a high barrier for entry if you're wanting a lot of voters.
>General question(b): Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait?
If I'm out and about it's much harder to participate now. Luckily quests these days have incredibly long voting windows (I remember when 30 minutes to an hour was the norm) but it's been a barrier to participation multiple times.
Low Speed Anti-Divine QM
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>QM question Holidays aren't much different from normal days to me, finding time to write is always a challenge.>Player question It depends on the situation. A good example is the 40K Princess quest: I don't discuss much when the focus is on socializing with/manipulating established characters from the lore because I don't have encyclopedic knowledge of said lore, but when it's a more dynamic situation like combat or interacting with enemies I'll start talking more.>General question(b) Has the site had recent changes? I haven't noticed.
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>>6150243 >How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? Do you have any advice for aspiring QMs who might not have the same time management skills? Each of my updates take a while; the drawing, the writing, and the historical research. I usually take some time off when I am too busy.
Don’t start threads you can’t finish.
Have a rough outline of your thread and what you’ll cover in that time - plotlines, character interactions you want, that sort of thing
>Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on? I give my thoughts in the threads I play in. Sometimes what I think the choice includes is different to what the QM thinks — if I voice my train of thought, the QM can respond to it.
>If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to? Something that can permanently remove sores and acne. Myself and as many people as I could.
>Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? The 15 min wait-time for replying is annoying. I don’t use 4chan on my pc that much to begin with but this killed the idea for good.
>Do you celebrate a holiday this time of year? If so, how do you celebrate? I celebrate new years. And hang out with my cousin at my grandma’s place.
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I don't visit 4chan much overall, but I occasionally stop by QST. I wish I were more of a reader, but honestly, I try, and it's so hard to focus. I don't know if it's ADHD or I'm just retarded, but I struggle to stay engaged, not just with quests here, but even with books. Honestly, the only thing that keeps my attention is pretty pictures. I really want to improve my writing, and I know it’s going to be tough if I’m not reading other people’s work. I’m trying to ease myself into it, though, and take it one step at a time. I came back a few weeks ago to run a more laid-back quest, you know, like how my first quest was supposed to be. But, of course, I ended up making my first way more work for myself. I think this one now is easier on me. Early on, I noticed the votes were coming in a bit slowly, but I wasn’t going to chalk that up entirely to the low player count. Maybe this quest just isn’t clicking for people. Though now I'm pretty happy with the amount of people who are playing atm. If I do end up playing in someone's quest it's usually one offs or the beginning of one because I do find it daunting when a quest has been already running for a while.
Also I get many many 1 id posts, whats up with that?
Gotham Beat Cop returns with more magical bullshit and a snarky Englishmen. Join us as we debate having a mage stuff his fingers in our brain.
>>6151071 Anonymous
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>>6151086 I've often posted from mobile to vote on yours, so that explains some.
>>6150875 Thanks
? Anonymous
>>6150458 >>6150799 This board is better off dead than infested with woke quests.
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>>6151101 Oh good, an anti-sjw. We don’t like your kind either.
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>>6151101 think you've got a bad case of the old culture war brain rot
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>QM question: I just assume my voters are also busy with Christmas than to vote, that being said, I don't really have to travel for Christmas or Sinterklaas so I can update I feel it necessary.
>Player question: I only discuss things a find necessary by the voting, I don't want to come over as overbearing.
>Miscellaneous question: Yes, Sinterklaas, Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Adlershorst Dynasty update: Choose whether you want to receive a vision from the past, the present or the future
>>6149964 >>6149967 >>6149964 >>6149967 >>6149964 >>6149967 IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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Closing the vote up in Ilvermorny in about 2 hours, so last chance to pick some options.
>>6150539 (You) (Cross-thread)>>6150539 (You) (Cross-thread)>>6150539 (You) (Cross-thread)>>6150537 (You) (Cross-thread)>>6150537 (You) (Cross-thread)>>6150537 (You) (Cross-thread) Anonymous
My congratulations to Spinejuice for finishing up Kobolt Klan Adoption, after nearly three years of dedication!
>>6151355 Good on him. I dropped out when people went the scaly transformation route, but it's good that he finished something.
Hopefully, i'll be able to do the same. If i ever actually get to starting my damn quest...
>>6151365 Are you the Halo guy who keeps researching?
>>6151375 No, different guy. I'm trying to find out how to solve the issue of my IP changing and not allowing me to use formatting which makes writing in a way that looks good really hard. No bold, no italics...
>>6151375 That'd be this guy
>>6150512 Speaking of which, progress report?
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky
Scorekeeper !!urZ1qzDpXky ID:hFvLLZON Mon 02 Dec 2024 22:31:28 No. 6151403 Report Quoted By:
>>6150243 >QM question: When things start getting really busy during the holidays, I might take a break for a few days, since I figure that the players will be busy as well.
>>6150351 said, so long as you communicate with your players, you should be fine.
>Player question: I try to contribute as much as I can to discussion if it's a quest that I'm really invested in. It's been a while since I've gotten that invested in a new quest, though. I should try to read more.
>General question(a): A boatload of money so I can retire early and spend more time on my writing.
>Miscellaneous question: Me and my friends get together, cook a bunch of food, and get drunk while watching movies. It's nothing too crazy, but I appreciate spending time with them.
Also, a new thread for Maximum Spider Quest is up, and there's something big going down in Monster Metropolis!
>>6151389 >>6151389 >>6151389 Anonymous
Quest where you are a space miner that fall in love with a prostitute on a isolated mining world, to set her free from this life you rob from the mob and go on the run. Thoughts?
>>6151097 >XI Justice, position swapped with VIII Strength (an entirely invented contrivance of Rider-Waite) As you probably know, in some traditions eg the Marseilles Tarot, the placement was reversed, so that it is not Justice but instead Strength before XII The Hanged Man. The Justice card perhaps alludes more to another meaning (Adjustment).
Incidentally, I re-read all of the Bernard Cornwell Arthurian Trilogy, the Warlord Chronicles. It is actually far better than I remembered it to be, I was particularly intrigued and impressed by this description of Law and justice in the Dark Ages, the law of compurgation; Bernard Cornwell describes how in the 5th century only the words of these witnesses in certain circumstances would bear any weight in judgement:
-A Lord;
-A Druid;
-A Priest;
-A Father, who speaks of his Children;
-A Magistrate;
-A Gift-Giver, speaking of his Gift;
-A Maiden, speaking of her Virginity;
-A Herdsman, speaking of his animals;
-A Man Condemned, speaking his last words
It is apparently based upon an actual historical Welsh reference, trial by Oath, or Law Of Hywel, mentioned in some historical chronicles. I think it is interesting to match some of these oath witnesses to the archetypes and tarot correspondences. In the novels this is the oath-law cited at the doomed trial of Tristan and Iseult, which leads to his death in trial by combat, and her burning on the pyre afterwards
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>>6151355 will have to catch up, dropped the quest because the pacing was a bit much with all i was going through
>>6151365 We didn't even end up going full dragon. We ended up just a tall handsome man with wings and firebreath and a sexy musclegirl wife with a few scales. Anonymous
>>6151452 I remember reading in the lewd he made that his "equipment" was already replaced by dragon stuff by the time he became dragonborn. Transformation fetish stuff is gross, so i just dipped around there. Anonymous
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>>6151457 >equipment Was it? I never went back to re-read the non-canon lewd. Whatever he's got dangling down there is Paracelsus' problem, not mine, as I saw it, kek.
But then again, I'm in no position to criticize. Anonymous
>>6151377 Plenty of quests don't use it and it's fine.
Pretty sure if you don't delete cookies, your ip changes but still have op format privileges. Could test that out?
>>6151406 Souv spotted. What's your favourite Jojo opening?
https://youtu.be/-Gcj-pcFTbE?si=CocbvvZUs7GCQPoP Anonymous
>>6151440 and by that I mean I'm workshopping the name of some Pre-Contact Harvest / Early Covenant/UNSC war Ops targeting the innies, before you'd get your MJOLNIR
Here's a few of em
Operation RED-AXE
Operation SNAKE EYES
Also, thinking of including a sort of "Objective" system, to go with the basic d20 Bo3, like, say if you snatch some poor brute's gravity hammer and return with it, you might kickstart a reverse engineering project and be asked to gather more, similar covenant tech, as would your fellow spartan 2s of course, or, also in example speeding up translation of the covenant languages by various means. Including good ol torture.
Thinking I can find a way to introduce this at the start/ spartan 2 training camp section of the quest, just need to figure out what the objective/ reward would be there
>>6151476 Solid operation names. Not sure you NEED to incentivize our PC during the training section. Maybe hugs from Mendez/Halsey or better food rations.
>>6151492 This one is good. Everyone likes gold stars.
>>6151475 >Pretty sure if you don't delete cookies, your ip changes but still have op format privileges. Could test that out I can't exactly make a test thread can I?
>>6151498 I mean, you CAN, actually...
>>6151501 Wouldn't it get removed? It needs to last for a few days, at least. Not a whole month, just a few days.
>>6151503 You could run a brief one-shot for a week or something to test out the formatting powers, or even start thread 1 (or a "thread 0" prologue kind of thing). Though it sadly never wrapped up, PKMN Quest (Gold/Silver) was preceded by some little min-quest about rummaging around in a closet and finding an old Gameboy as a sort of cold open, so there's precedent... Not mention Do Your Best Quest having a new thread every goddamn week. The mods won't care about a test thread as long as questing is indeed taking place, I'm sure.
>>6151508 Well I already *ran* a one-shot. I don't have any idea for another and I don't want to just throw out some random trash I have no intention of properly running. I intend to finish any quest I make.
>>6151510 Then a prequel, prologue, or cold open could be appropriate. Maybe a little side-story in the same universe. I don't know, I'm just offering ideas to try to help get you started. This is the best I got!
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>>6151513 I'll think about it while i ready stuff for the main quest.
Junky !amLSarXkOc
>>6149613 Haven't run a quest in a while, so I'm trying to make this one better than my previous stuff.
Should I try reusing the old characters I've had in previous unfinished quests?
Cutémon Trainer !evPi8COM4k
Cutémon Trainer !evPi8COM4k ID:7Iuqa+Jp Tue 03 Dec 2024 02:47:17 No. 6151523 Report Quoted By:
Now that I'm loaded up on hamoose, time to get back to playing Cutémon!
>>6151495 >>6151495 Anonymous
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>>6151404 He'll yeah borther
>>6151406 That's dope, gotta' save that for fantasy worldbuilding.
>>6151476 That leveling system sounds badass. Were you the anon in a previous thread talking about the Sanshuyuum equivalent of Spartans? We never really see much in the way of SpecOps besides ODSTs now that I think of it, some Space Delta Force/Spetsnaz/SAS could be kool. Also, more anti-UNSC militias, hostile wildlife, Covenant minor xenos, & unaligned aliens. A setting like Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter, Killzone, etc. could provide good inspiration as well for hostile forces
>>6151519 I don't see why not.
StrangeQM !fz3POlcgVk
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>>6151559 >>6151559 >>6151559 The Isekai Inquisition is back and once again the thread starts following the PoV a secondary protagonist. This one with much less of the good nature the others in the trio have.
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>>6151544 Thanks. And Yeah, I'm the guy whose going to be running the Spartan 2 quest and keep popping up to ramble about Lore. I brought them up when I found out about them, the Prelates. They're in my plans, as are the three covenant fringe species that we know about. I've been researching for a reason, besides figuring out the exact composition of Johnson's favorite brand of cigars
Want your guys' opinion. Between these two, which looks better for a header? Option A...
>>6151690 Or
Option B
Made both while Jamming out to shit like this
https://youtu.be/RbTK2Ap5c1k Anonymous
>>6150243 >How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? For the most part I work through the holidays and do a lot of my posting/writing during the heavy downtime hours I usually get when work isn't insane. If I have plans with family though I usually will just break for the day of the holiday and let my players know.
>Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? I like to theory craft or give some general commentary with my votes, when I vote. Nothing warms my heart like seeing a quest full of responses where people are discussing the world or expressing their opinions on characters actions in the story. It just makes the story feel more alive and inviting to know it has people actually talking about it outside of their votes. I firmly believe most people have something of value they can add even if it's just an opinion on a character or sharing how a certain scene made them feel.
>If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to? Whatever Blue would need in order to revive Naruto: Feeling Blue quest. God I loved that shit and it's important to me that if he's lurking still that he knows I've never given up hope.
>Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? It's killed my main method of interacting which is casual phone posting in other threads. I now just save a lot more of my voting and talking for the quests I'm really invested in and that I'm willing to eat the huge cooldown before posting.
>Do you celebrate a holiday this time of year? If so, how do you celebrate? Christmas, I celebrate by cooking with the Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby Christmas playlists on and making a homemade hot chocolate with cinnamon and orange zest whipped into the cream.
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
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Sorry about the extremely sporadic updates.
Trying to keep up with my art, my irl job and going to the gym has kept me too busy.
However, I managed to do an update today.
>>6116909 Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
my body betrays me solarpunk will be posted when my stomach tolerates anything i eat instead of screaming in german
>>6151724 I see you are a man of culture....
>>6151691 I would say clean up the side text a bit on A & it should be the one
Nothing wrong with B though
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Adlershorst dynasty quest update: You have discovered ancient Not!Roman Google Earth, where do you want to go?
>>6151763 >>6151763 >>6151763 Anonymous
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>>6151691 option B
both are nice, but you can see clearly the name there.
>>6151690 >>6151691 Option A is the better header image but the title is too busy and hard to see.
>>6151691 Title fits better here. First one is too busy.
OBA-337 !!4mnDVUrwiI8
Christmas Storkie! Been too busy with art stuff and college to quest sadly, maybe someday I'll be able to come back
It may have been a poor choice to watch Halo Legends again while drinking. The Duel and Homecoming still hit like a fucking truck.
>>6151772 Clean it up in what way?
>>6151800 >>6151802 Guessing its the slanted text (which i thought looked cool) or the black on dark colors (or the white text for the halo portion) that makes it hard to read?
>>6151828 >Guessing its the slanted text (which i thought looked cool) or the black on dark colors (or the white text for the halo portion) that makes it hard to read? Both. Add a drop shadow to the text to help it's readability. If it doesn't you'll have to figure out a way to make it less busy for the first image.
>>6151830 Well, its an easy fix. I'll see what I can do, since my editing abilities are admittedly shit.
>>6151832 No worries, not like this is going to be permanently attached to the quest. You can always change it at later points if you end up unhappy with the header image.
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>>6151835 That is also true.
Any interest in a Return to Moria type game?
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
>>6151845 The One Ring is destroyed and now it's time for Moria to be reclaimed. You are part of an expedition that is going to reclaim it, an unfortunate accident has cut you off from the rest of the expedition--if any of them have survived. You must survive, defeat the foul creatures who now inhabit Moria, find other survivors and restart the forges, among other tasks. It will be an exploration, strategy and resource management type game--I think.
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>>6151853 Having said that, being free of any setting restrictions sounds more fun to me so perhaps it's just "inspired by"
[GreyQM] !!93/W3iuzIST
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>>6151895 >>6151897 >>6151898 >>6151899 Grey Skies has updated again. Be there or sink into an endless ocean of darkness.
Adlershorst Dynasty update: Decide how to use the Icantbelieveitsnotapalantir.
>>6151915 >>6151915 >>6151915 >>6151915 Anonymous
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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Time for a roll in Ilvermorny quest, with two girls playing at being Walter White and Jesse Pinkman!
>>6151991 >>6151991 >>6151991 ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
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>>6150243 >QM question: Holidays is prime questing time honestly. My IRL schedule is pretty busy otherwise, and I tend to procrastinate a lot on updates.
>General question(a): A reliable update schedule, to myself.
>General question(b): Horrid. I hate 4chan's new system so much but I'm not going to use akun or SV for various reasons previously described.
>Miscellaneous question: Sleeeeep
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well Kobold Adoption quest has ended and man it was a good one I will miss it. Since for me it was my last real tie to /qst/ perhaps now it is time to be moving on.
>>6151853 That sounds dope, you could expand on the setting like Shadow of War/Mordor do with Graugs & Ghuls, get inspo from Bakshi animations like the 1978 Lord of the Rings movie & The Wizards, & look at Warhammer Fantasy & Dorf Fortress for even more inspo. I would recommend expanding upon the wizards of the White Tower with lesser, mortal ones who descend academically if you will from the Big 5, who would be the presiding masters of their order. Lots of different Uruk/Orc/Goblin types you could differentiate. Horrible spiders & Lovecraftian entities. A focus on metallurgy & runesmithing for the Dorfs.
How hacky is it to start your quest with a dream when it's not really related to dreams as a theme?? I'm drafting my ideas for how to start my first thread but the introduction needs to show the characters daily routine since waking up, but just starting with the character waking up feels generic, no? Of course, I just don't seem to be able to think of a cool dream I could make either.
>>6152049 Are you thinking about taking the dream sequence to an "Oh, no!" end, then having the main character wake up so the players can make a course correction?
>>6152061 No, it's just a short dream before the character wakes up. I just don't want to start with that.
>>6152049 >>6152061 >>6152062 Make it a prophetic one, a vision of the future that also serves as an interesting hook.
>>6152064 Yeah see that was my idea but I can't figure out a way to make it "hermetic" and "dreamlike" enough
>>6152075 If you've got no good ideas for a dream, skip the dream, methinks. It can be a good way to establish a bit of backstory with a flashback or to offer an early choice for characterization, though.
if you're going to have a dream opening, have some kind of choice in the dream that establishes the MC's goals or desires for the quest proper.
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New Thread for With Great Power:
>>6152096 Anonymous
>>6152049 >>6152061 >>6152062 >>6152064 >>6152075 >>6152078 >>6152084 >DREAMS >a vision of the future? I think it would be cool if we could trade dreams on some sort of stock exchange. Oh wait that already happened, it is called, a stock exchange (or googl ads?) Someone saw the placement of midroll adverts in ASMR videos and decided it was s good idea
https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/61680/1/lucid-dreams-tech-start-ups-trying-to-hack-our-dreams >When I meet Wollberg over Zoom, he tells me that the name for Prophetic AI came from a trip to Jerusalem – “I was reading a lot of theology, as one does, and whether it's Abraham, Mohammed or Buddha, these prophets received their prophetic wisdom in their dreams. The thing that I asked myself was, what if we could give that power to anyone?” >Prophetic AI’s Halo device works by reading the brain’s gamma frequencies to detect when an individual is entering the REM stage in their sleep cycle, which lasts for approximately 20 minutes. >“Obviously you’re going to use it for recreational purposes – it’s the ultimate VR experience... >"You want to sleep with one of your favourite celebrities? Not my business, go for it,” he says. “We simply want to bring you to a brain state and what you do in that brain state is completely up to you.” >“I do expect there to be influencers, or something akin to dream influencers,” Wollberg shares. “While they won’t be able to enter your dreams, I do think that we’re gonna build a social media in the [Prophetic AI] app where people can share what it is they do in their lucid dreams.” ***
Mace snaps. She grabs him by the lapels and swings him around, slamming him back against a wall.
Lenny! This is your life, Lenny!
Right here. Right now.
This is realtime... not playback. Real... time.
Time to get real.
Understand what I'm saying... she doesn't love you.
Maybe she did once, I don't know, but she doesn't now.
These are used emotions. It's time to trade them in.
Mace's tone becomes more gentle. We see that her outburst is, beneath it all, coming from a place of compassion.
Lenny, memories were meant to fade.
They're designed that way for a reason.
Lenny seems to crumple. He knows he has to let go. But it is so painful.
Have you ever been in love with somebody
who didn't return that love?
Strange Days is a great film with a cop out of an ending
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>>6151804 Was wondering where you had gone
>>6151475 >DETECTED sshhh you cannot see me I am playing videogames
>>6152162 >>6152172 >Strange Days, ending I really liked this film, it was a truly prophetic sci-fi vision the script is James Cameron and it is Kathryn Bigelow directing it, there are some bdsm scenes yay To be honest I was not entirely sold on Juliette Lewis as the rock star singer girl, her acting is actually fairly good but I don't think she has the look though. Ralph Fiennes has a risible accent, but the black lady in the film is super attractive she is very hot. Also I noticed how Fiennes main protagonist name is Nero, hehe, that is interesting. What did you dislike about the ending? How would you have changed it?
After smashing my keyboard and mouse around like a chimp discovering a forerunner relic, the relic in this instance being GIMP instead of Microsoft Paint, I think I've improved bother potential header images! But I'd like your guys opinions on if I succeeded or pulled an Ackerson Option A, newly improved
>>6152215 And Option B2, since the original option B is still in the running but I wanted to make a version that was born from Paint.
>>6152215 >>6152216 A looks better, and I like the bigger text on B, but you might want to move "reports" so it's not right on the other Spartan's face
As a side note since I don't think it was talked about last thread and since it'll probably be some time before it's relevant, are you going to use Bungie's Forerunner mythos or 343's?
>>6152237 I thought Mike Wazowski-ing him was kind of funny, but moving it would be an easy change to make. Easier now that I am using GIMP and not paint.
And, personally, I prefer Bungie's forerunners, so when/ if it comes up in War Reports, that's probably what I'd use just because of my preference for it.
Also, came up with a few more Pre Covenant Contact Operations and some meaningful objectives+ their rewards for the training phase of the quest (To introduce the system + add some flavor), like I mentioned I was trying to figure out earlier
>>6151492 >>6151496 And some of them may even award gold stars or even greater prizes!
why does questing feel so dead, even on akun grim
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>>6152241 Because there are less voters, look at 4stats
>>6152215 Spartan 3 were the best, teenaged suicide soldiers only sent on the most impossible missions while hopped up roid rage.
>>6152244 One thing I dislike about 343's direction with Halo is that they basically just pretended the 3s were all wiped out on reach, when Gamma company were still around and kicking, to favor the 4s instead which...fuck that shit. The 3s were just so much cooler than "Oh but anyone can be a Spartan now :)" which also felt like a spit in the face of the ODST and Marines. Not to mention their mark of MJOLNIR looks fuck ugly
>>6152245 Yeah I agree, 4s were lame as fuck, it decreased the specialness of the Spartans when everyone could become them. Spartan 4s felt very pedestrian, there was no sacrifice or dehumanisation, Bob from accounting could be turned into one tomorrow.
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>>6152213 >What did you dislike about the ending? How would you have changed it? The resolution was too neat. the corrupt cops were quickly and efficiently arrested by the good cops, the riot that was about to break out gets safely diluted, and everyone ends in a big celebration bringing in the new year while the main characters kiss.
Personally I'd have preferred an ending with the riot breaking out and the protagonists slip away in the confusion, not with the bigger problems of police corruption tied up in a bow. You can still even have the kiss. But it would have fit the thematic principles of its noir underpinnings better with a more ambigious ending. In noir, the case might get solved but the real problems, the crooked cops, the mob, all that stuff, never gets fixed.
Its Hollywood in the worst sense of the word, unwilling to let the story go where it needs to but instead cutting to a concocted 'happy' conclusion.
I still like the movie a lot though.
>>6152249 My thoughts exactly. But the worst thing about them was their armor designs were just straight ass, which is unforgiveable.
>>6152245 343 and its consequences have been a disaster for Halo. I wish Halo would just die already, it should have ended with Halo 3.
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>>6152262 Reach was fun, invasion was a cool mode
>>6151917 I need some extra voters to break a tie, so if anyone has the time to spare, it would be much appreciated.
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>>6150243 >QM question: >How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? Do you have any advice for aspiring QMs who might not have the same time management skills? I usually plan to have no activity on the day of particularly social holidays. It's a time when neither me nor plenty of people who play can be expected to have a lot of time either for updating or reading, so it just works out better for everybody. Even daily updates are easy to get one in one part of the day though.
>Player question: >Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on? I try to add justifications or comments on my votes, but what I've seen is that players aren't exactly eager to discuss everything and anything, and rarely change their votes. I'm not really sure why that is, but I do know that it doesn't really feel worth the effort to even speculate when nobody even recognizes that you said something, so whenever people ask questions in my threads at least I do my best to answer them.
In short if you like the quests you read you should do your best to spur discussion, the QMs really like it and it'd definitely help the feeling of the place feeling desolate, even if you don't feel like you have much to say or add. It's a hell of a lot better than-
>+1 And nothing else, where you don't even know if they read what's happening, let alone how they feel about the quest.
>General question(b): >Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? I haven't been affected by them but sometimes I go to phonepost somewhere else on the site and, unless it's something I really want to say, I'm not going to wait fifteen minutes to post it. I can only imagine it's severely affected rapidity of discussion. You could say that impulsive comments aren't usually worth as much but any discussion is good on a board as slow as qst.
>Miscellaneous question: >Do you celebrate a holiday this time of year? If so, how do you celebrate? Crimbo
Tree presents dinner
Jingle Cats
>>6152172 >>6152213 >NOT NOIR GRIMDARK ENOUGH I see what you are saying, it is a fair criticism and I think your notion of the noir genre ending is probably more fitting.
I do believe this is the first time I have ever seen anyone argue for a narrative ending that needs to be more sinister more noir, MORE DARK MORE HARROWING MORE UNRESOLVED lol, this pleases me immensely yay yay
Hollywood happy denouements fully resolved happy endings are ok sometimes. You get this Nicolas Cage face in his interpretation of the Ralph Fiennes Strange Days torture video reaction gif,
>>6152162 except from the film 8mm (1999)
>>6152279 8mm is a different kettle of fish since the resolution is more direct. Its a vigilante ending, with Nic Cage dispensing a violent form of justice on the wicked. The ending to Strange Days on the other hand is a representation of systemic justice, not the direct action of our protagonists but handing it off for the good police to handle the bad police. The idea being the system works fine except for these few bad eggs.
The core conceit of noir (good noir at least) is that the system doesn't work, that the only vessel for justice is the private detective (or whatever form the 'detective' takes), a character of semi-legal profession caught between a life of law and criminality themselves, often working in opposition to the official representatives of law and order in the Justice System.
It's what makes it noir instead of straight detective fiction, the difference between Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett compared to Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle.
The idea of the detective bringing a violent end to the perpetrators of whatever evil he's been investigating as in 8mm is in keeping with the noir spirit, as well as its depiction of a fallen world. (8mm is underrated and was ahead of its time)
>>6152215 Need some space between War & Reports. Whatever you do, try to make the spacing basically even and it should look a lot better. Maybe put HALO at the top, then SPARTAN II below, then WAR REPORTS to the right at the top of the explosion.
>>6152273 Could I get an Engrish translation pls?
>>6151406 >>6151544 >Bernard Cornwell DARK AGES worldbuilding I read all three novels in the Arthurian Warlord Chronicles in two days lol, I was actually extremely impressed by them, I was overawed by the historical details (I looked up what a strickle actually is, all medieval games now need to feature a strickle. Retting. A pessary!) and all the novels are filled with DISMEMBERMENT cool battle scenes PAGAN PISS SORCERY (all spells should use urine) conquest and rape as well as nonstop mockery and ridicule of Christianity (I think Bernard Cornwell actually achieves the opposite effect lol, it is so exaggerated it makes you almost sympathetic to the Christians because he makes so many of the monks and celtic church people into such caricatures of venality and corruption. Eg, that scene where Lancelot necromantically digs up a rotting skeleton and marries a corpse in a Christian ceremony to usurp the kingdom from Arthur lol. But then he also has a few good virtuous ones like Galahad)
Also I was a bit confused by the tone of the ending, because at the start of the novel, the characters routinely witness and happily participate in pagan practices eg human sacrifice at the king's / Mordred coronation, but by the end of the trilogy the tragedy hinges on the characters recoiling back from pagan sacrifice (Merlin's failed fire ritual to restore the gods etc which turns Nimue against Arthur) so that felt a bit odd to me, the ending seemed a bit forced
It is sort of strange because Bernard Cornwell does depict realistic characters ie Guinevere starts off being a bit evil and dislikeable, but she changes; similarly, Arthur starts off heroic and naive and good, and also hardens, and most noticeably, Nimue goes from damsel in distress to psychotic evil horror lightning stormcaller plague-effigy torture sorceress etc So he can clearly depict character depth, people who are both good and evil, yet he also populates his novels with some almost comically one dimensional petty evil characters lol. The overall effect was very very accomplished to me though, I was awestruck by the glossary and historical research
The Bernard Cornwell Arthur novels actually assisted in me momentarily recovering a small sense of British national pride but then I remembered that the current Bretwalda is Keir Starmer, and his accomplishments mainly include attending Taylor Swift concerts, pleading for mysterious Indo Trinidadian Guyanese homosexual Barons to buy him clothes and spectacles,
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waheed_Alli,_Baron_Alli and sternly warning Palestinian militants to "return the sausages"
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VTFSBJaCXD8 Maybe I need to now immediately install that Mount And Blade Brytenwalda mod though, I have never ever played these games, hmmm
>>6152285 Sure, from left to right
Top row: The house of Adlershorst, ascendant, for evermore, Eternal chivalry, a second high age, The rebirth of the empire.
Second row: Greifswald, a kingdom! The concert dances, and dances..., an alternative union, the crown is within reach.
Third row: home in the empire, the revenge of the order, an economic protectorate, the coming of the eastern overlords.
Fourth row: The ruination of the Adlershorsts, the fall of the remnant, an empire of steel and blood, the catastrophe of man.
>>6151544 >>6151406 >>6152288 >Bernard Cornwell, Isle Of The Dead worldbuilding I think the original book I read years and years ago as a child was the first one, The Winter King, I mostly forgot everything about it except Nimue and also how the druids hop around and spit before battles lol. But the Isle Of The Dead sequence in this first novel is so incredible, I think it makes for an amazing dungeon delving idea or framework. In this scene as imagined by Bernard Cornwell, instead of the typical mist Avalon fairy isles imagery, the Isle Of The Dead is a promontory where the Britons cast the insane, the unwanted and psychotic exiles and outcasts from their society; anyone who is sent there is basically believed to be dead and as having strayed into the Otherworld since no-one is ever permitted to return. Nimue goes mad after being imprisoned (it is part of her druidic ordeal, of suffering three wounds to body, pride ie rape and mind) and she gets abandoned upon the Isle Of The Dead and so there is an intense Orpheus and Eurydice esque katabatic sequence where the hero protagonist Derfel ventures into this exile Island, from which no-one ever returns, to rescue her. I thought this was an incrediblly thrilling narrative sequence from the imagination of Bernard Cornwell, it was completely different yet still very believable compared to the typical Avalon Arthurian legend etc
The Bernard Cornwell series also has some very intriguing moralistic interludes, here from the 2nd book, an excerpt where Derfel in full Elric Of Melnibone mode lol explains why all gods are chaos gods
Merlin tells me that the Gods love chaos,’ I said.
‘Merlin loves chaos,’ Issa said lightly, though there was more truth in his words than he knew.
‘Merlin loves it,’ I agreed, ‘but most of us fear chaos and that’s why we try to make order.’ I thought of the carefully ordered pile of bones.
‘But when you have order, you don’t need Gods. When everything is well ordered and disciplined then nothing is unexpected. If you understand everything,’ I said carefully, ‘then there’s no room left for magic. It’s only when you’re lost and frightened and in the dark that you call on the Gods, and they like us to call on them. It makes them feel powerful, and that’s why they like us to live in chaos.’
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Gotham City Beat Cop has a new thread:
>>6152302 Join us as we shake our head disapprovingly at the Bat himself.
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>>6150243 >If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to? I would give myself good drawing skills
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>>6152215 >>6152216 nice improvement
B for the win!!!!!!!!!!!
>>6152273 ok!!
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>>6152283 >NOIR wow, that is a very rigorous and comprehensive argument, it is very insightful, thank you! I agree with it all, but I think it is possible for Sherlock Holmes to be a bit noir hehe, proto-noir even before its time.I think a lot of noir is psychological and plays with memory and narrative / witness reliability etc (did this really happen, or did you imagine it? In fact the murderer ... is YOU! You yourself did it etc muahaha)
I have read nearly all of the original Conan Doyle stories, but I also remember the old Jeremy Brett tv adaptations. There is one story (I think it was an amalgamation of two separate stories, whereas all the other adapted episodes are mostly faithful re-tellings) it is called The Eligible Bachelor but in the TV adaptation this one is DISTURBING it has some almost haunting gothic horror grotesque nightmare dream sequence hallucination scenes (I don't remember the exact story, but it is something about this disfigured bride / woman with a mutilated face torn by tiger claws who requests Sherlock Holmes help, her husband releases some circus tiger or something trying to murder her. Or maybe it was all a dream lol) The tv adaptation differs from the original story but I remember being quite frightened after seeing it. They really overspent on the smoke machine on this episode lol there is so much swirly 19th century smog, yay Also, I prefer the Jeremy Brett funereal look of Sherlock Holmes (almost vampiric looking all black frock coat, top hat and cape) this should be the look of Sherlock Holmes, not the deerstalker hat and pipe lol. This dark and smog enshrouded look is sort of what I imagine for 19th century settings, and it doesn't look too different to the 1930s German Expressionist noir either
>>6152295 >>6152273 >>6152295 Is this the fantasy equivalent of when Wandel durch Handel was replaced by Zeitenwende?
In the old Germanic myth if you sacrificed an eye and hung yourself upside down from a tree, you would attain great wisdom. As a counterexample to Odin All-Father here from last year (Sept 2023) is the chancellor of Germany, things must have become very desperate to warrant a return to these ancient teutonic rituals
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>>6152362 I doubt the origin was Teutonic in this case...
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>>6152362 It's more like how or where the quest could head in the future of its timeline. Though great sacrifice for wisdom or power could show up in some of them.
>>6152215 >>6152216 Much better with the drop shadows and better orientation. That said you line spacing needs a little work, mostly on 'War' and 'Reports' in both images. I'm still thinking A.
>>6152239 >And some of them may even award gold stars Excellent.
>>6152253 GEN2 Should have just been mass produced Mk.V or
Mk.VI instead of the Power Rangers BS we got.
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Adlershorst update: You did it, you have entered the palace that no living man has set foot in for centuries, and now you must see if you want to show yourself a courteous guest.
>>6152447 >>6152449 >>6152447 >>6152449 >>6152447 >>6152449 90s MG Villainess
>>6152288 Oh, hey, I added a strickle stick as a sort of ceremonial religious ceremony for the minions before dashing off to potentially die on their missions...
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>>6152037 Solid advice anon. I have to consider that and the game in general because I'm not entirely sure on how everything rolling around in my head translates to a quest yet.
How slow is /qst/? Is it reasonable to expect 1-2 votes per 15-20 minutes?
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Not really unless you post at a convenient time for whoever your voters are. Best to expect 1-2 votes in a couple hours.
>>6152637 not any more. used to be you could get three or four in about a half hour, more if your quest had some kind of external draw like it was fanfiction or something.
its really dried up this year.
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>>6152648 Ah I see. Thanks.
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>>6152637 I've been here a few years, and throughout that whole time the most I've gotten in 15 or 20 votes in 24 hours, and lately it's more like 3-to-7.
>>6152535 >strickle ah, I saw this,
>>6148828 immensely impressive historical detail, well done! I am afraid of your anime pictures though and I cower before them they are very frightening, noooo
But I did enjoy the level of historical details in the Bernard Cornwell Arthurian novels I like how the way he describes the landscape, it is entirely portrayed using the botany (ie old folklore names of the plants, wildlife) and all the period appropriate names for domestic items etc the historicity is very immersive. I also realised that he even uses the appropriate name for "blood price", I would have instinctively chosen weregild, which I think is quite well known but this is of course Anglo Saxon lol so in the Briton / Celtic Dumnonian equivalent would have been "Sarhaed" etc. from the Irish etymology for injury, insult, wound etc. I knew already of Camlann in Arthurian myth for the Last Battle, but I had not heard of this Battle Of Mount Badon and I did not know that Camelot was potentially derived from the old Roman name for Colchester, Camulodunum. But I have installed Mount And Blade Warband this game is so addictive lol after spending my first few hours being repeatedly defeated speared and enslaved as I failed to overcome anyone with my pathetic zero damage slings fustibalus, quarterstaff or club I have now looted a hand axe lol the game is now actually playable and enjoyable I am going to vengefully pillage all of these Dark Ages Britain locations muahaha
So, I took the critique/ suggestions you handed me and, Yeah I have to agree, both images look much better now with just a quick adjustment. You guys are geniuses.
Option A, improved again
>>6152369 Yeah, the armor just looked completely foreign to the usual designs of UNSC equipment, I guess they were going for them being inspired by elite tech, but it didn't look all that much like Elite armor either. It looked like it came out of some uninspired mecha anime or something, didn't feel Halo at all, ya know?
>>6152761 And Option B, with the background Spartan no longer getting the mike Wazowski treatment
>>6152761 Option A is still the way
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>>6152288 "Keir Starmer is Bretwalda"
That's fucking hilarious, his regime did murder an old man for criticizing the police when they of course defended Paki pederasts from justice, but I'm sure the actual Bretwalda is still a Rothschild despite old Jacob being sent down to Tartarus.
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>>6152301 >>6152752 Intriguing stuff, my good man
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
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The Caretaker Quest has been updated!
Our new temporary protagonist just had a weird episode with Potter in his office, looks like stress is slowly eating at him, but what is making him that stressed? you dont really know, but you must now plan your day for tomorrow.
There are many options! what will you do?
vote now to find out!
>>6122821 >>6122821 >>6122821 Anonymous
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
Quoted By:
Vote in Ilvermorny Quest as to if you are going to intervene or let a small girl get bullied; pick a fight or just walk away.
>>6152646 >>6152646 >>6152646 PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:aUu5YmKq Thu 05 Dec 2024 18:53:57 No. 6152892 Report Alright, I'm going under for a week! I've got a lot of stuff to do irl til the quest comes back but I think I have a lot of stuff sorted out for its return so that shouldn't be a problem.Also, I've been doing so much external worldbuilding that I kind of lost track of the time and at this point I probably have the entire quest setting at least slightly fleshed out because the era was so interesting to read about. Fucking hell the 19th century is cool. Would highly recommend that anyone with an interest in history just read up on stuff that happened during it if you're bored. See you all on the 13th when Poképocalypse #3 finally goes up on the catalogue!
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG
PoképocalypseQM !!w58WRl7ypiG ID:aUu5YmKq Thu 05 Dec 2024 18:55:10 No. 6152893 Report >>6152892 *entire quest world, not setting. I had the setting down before I even made thread #1. Sorry, I'm sleepy lol.
There're events halfway across the world plotted out even though they'll only be mentioned in passing, just because I found it fun to theorize, is what I'm saying. Adlershorst
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Adlershorst Quest Update: It appears that the ghost is little more than an ancient roomba.
>>6152890 >>6152890 >>6152890 Anonymous
>>6152761 >>6152762 Dig them both with the fixes but still gonna say A.
>It looked like it came out of some uninspired mecha anime or something. didn't feel Halo at all, ya know? Agreed, though there was one good thing about it that I'm glad they kept for gen.3 which was the proportions. Now Spartans actually look BIG.
90s MG Villainess
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>>6152752 I'll have to read the books then.
I sort of cry though at the thought, I have so many books...
IlvermoryQM !kCM7IdCDew
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A tie between maximum bullying and keeping some people from bullying a small brown girl. Would like a tiebreaker.
>>6152646 >>6152646 >>6152646 All at Ilvermorny Quest!
>>6152761 >>6152762 I still like B for showing a team
How do you make a title card with a fancy font anyways? I'm pretty close to being able to make my thread since I've given up any hope of being able to get a static IP, so I should probably get a header image.
>>6153015 Find a fitting image, use an image editor.
Paint.NET , GIMP, PS, w/e. Most image editors come with tools that allow you to put text on the image.
>>6153016 Im talking about how to get the fancy font, not the image editor.
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>>6153018 Hit up Dafont. That site has plenty.
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>>6152892 >>6152893 Sounds very good. We'll be there when the quest launches again next week.
Quoted By:
>>6153015 Find a fancy font online. Look up a Photopea tutorial on how to make the text even fancier. Combine a fitting image in Photopea with the text.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #8 is live!
Last time, our protagonist had a face to face confirmation with underdwelling ruffians with reverse engineered Stormwatch tech, and a dubious source hacked her comms and told Fiona a heart-crushing secret of the Stormwatch. She brushed it off as a simple nuisance at the time, but now, Big Sister wants to know what really happened...
>>6153226 >>6153226 >>6153226 (sorry for being nearly a week late; I went outside once and nearly died)
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:fECW2ojt Fri 06 Dec 2024 13:57:50 No. 6153234 Report >>6153231 That will require a greentext.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>6153015 Something you wouldn't think of doing until you one day decide to give it a shot is to just look up the fonts used in games. Sometimes you can rip the font from the game files itself, other times things like "D&D Manual Fonts," "Darkest Dungeon font," the font of an anime title, and it will turn up a whole list of fonts used in them for you to look up the name of individually and see if you can get them, or find other cool fonts like that. From there you can rabbithole down awful font choices and realize the less gaudy ones are really so much more useful and you can do basic image editing to get effects on them to make them pop instead (like how I do my Solarpunk OP glows).
I like fonts.
>>6153234 >go to a music festival the day before i planned to post my thread >come morning i was shitting out everything i put down my mouth instantly and constantly >it seriously would not end >seriously considered writing in a private discord channel so i could be productive from the toilet and shower >decided to just stop eating so my body runs out of things to shit and lay in bed like a normal human fucking being until i felt like i could do something actually decent that food truck tofu was so good but holy shit
haven't been that sick since covid
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:fECW2ojt Fri 06 Dec 2024 14:51:30 No. 6153243 Report Quoted By:
>>6153237 Kek you got properly basedeboy'd
Good for you you're getting better though.
Quoted By:
>QM question: >How do you carve out around the holidays (or whenever you're busy) for questing, or do you just take a break? Accountability to players. Everyone is driving this deathtrap; QM just working the clutch.>Do you have any advice for aspiring QMs who might not have the same time management skills? QM has zero time management skills also. That is not an excuse. Less Peggle.>Player question: >Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Yes. People who have weighed in along the same thoughtline just get seconded.>Do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Only if there's a very interesting avenue that might blindside the story. >Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on? Secondary or consequential risks. Not a strong wish; realize it might not be possible without spoiling the story.>General question(a): >If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to? Infinite idea gland. Plot twists, setpieces, mazes, meaningful resolutions don't make themselves and cannot be repeated.>General question(b): Have the recent changes to the site made you less eager to quest? Do you sometimes open the post box and just close the window and walk away if you have to wait? Eh.
>>6126499 Vampires are the simplest to start with, which potential complexity that is internally and thematically consistent when you explore them.
>You have been transformed into a vampire. Though you have supernatural abilities, you are now shunned by the sun and must feed on blood to survive and power those abilities. Not only that, but there are other vampires who have formed various factions based on bloodlines, proclivities and philosophies. Simply by becoming one of them, you have been embroiled in a mire of subterfuge, intrigue and warfare. Ten times more compelling than:
>You become a werewolf, not because you were bitten by a werewolf, but because of genetics, apparently. Rather than being a curse, being a werewolf means that you are actually a genetically engineered eco-terrorist designed to save the environment from evil corporations that are actually pseudo-Satanic cults, but it turns out that werewolves are also clinically retarded and every other werewolf that has ever existed has shot themselves in the foot, effectively damning the world long before you were born. Enjoy your eco-terrorism and tard-wrangling. >You become a mage, but it turns out that everything is actually magic because reality is consensual and the rules of the universe are based off of what people believe and it turns out that all of civilisation is a conspiracy held together by a secret world order deep state who use the consensual nature of reality to make it more rigid and scientific rather than magical and nebulous. The "real" mages are the people who think this is a bad thing and want to tear down this conspiracy so that they can make their fireballs and immortality potions more easily. Enjoy your schizophrenic psycho-babble. So on and so forth. 95% of people interested in the World of Darkness either only care about vampires, or they want the entire World of Darkness package. No one actually wants a Werewolf the Apocalypse quest or a Mage the Ascension quest, just a Vampire the Masquerade quest or a World of Darkness cross-splat quest.
And no, absolutely no one wants a Chronicles of Darkness quest of any variety.
Quoted By:
>>6150243 >Do you ever not contribute to discussions in-thread because it feels like other players are more into it/more knowledgeable? Or do you try to drive discussion no matter what? Is there anything you wish QMs were more clear on? I never shut the hell up. You never know when inane ramblings might inspire or inform someone. Even just hearing the same take but with a personal twist on it might help you figure something out. I also like to shitpost. I will gladly put hundreds of posts about little to nothing in a quest I am reading if I find the time. I do try my best to keep it quest related of course. I imagine it makes people feel more involved when they get plenty of (You)s. And if it doesn't then I am annoying the shit out of someone and that brings me much joy.
>If you could give one thing, even something immaterial, to one QM (including yourself) what would it be and who would you give it to? A small loan of ten billion dollars.
>someone updates my thread to the suptg archive before i do >Barely any description or tags that would make it easy to find later What do i even do now
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>>6153363 Changeling is the best one.
>>6153385 >What do i even do now Contact LordLicorice (the suptg owner) with the thread number and what you'd like it to say instead. He'll fix it ASAP.
>>6153399 >Contact LordLicorice How?
>>6153410 ..Nope, I can't seem to be able to get it. It just says "On ports", but i don't even know what those 'ports' are or how to get into them.
>>6153418 use and IRC-client like mIRC or Hexchat
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>>6153427 ..I guess i'll try it downloading it tomorrow
>>6153418 Use Discord. It's easier.
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>>6153431 That actually did it, thanks
First thread of new quest hopefully tomorrow Anonymous
Have any new quests or QMs just start? Since I know my next thread is going to be the most popular and highly praises quest on the board, I'd hate to discourage them by blowing them out of the water. If you're considering starting a new thread, maybe wait a bit. Just trying to be considerate.
>>6152774 >>6152815 >>6152954 >>6153011 Well, its thanks to all the feed back and advise here I got that they look as good as they do now. And I myself am torn between which of them to use. Maybe l'll switch between them? Not sure yet. The Opinions on which is better seem about 50/50 after I improved both the headers. Maybe a poll would help? Don't know
But I do know I am gearing up to start the first thread, just got a few more tweaks to make & a little more prep/ hyping myself up since I am worried I'll fuck it up somehow, since I'm not much of a writer
>>6152954 I like my spartans BIG
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>>6153588 lol ok, Uwe Boll. What's your quest going to be about? Keywords?
Remind me, if i but [b:lit][i:lit]text like this[/i:lit][/b:lit], then it's both bolded and italics, right?
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>>6153597 yeah
doing [i:lit] [b:lit] [/i:lit] [/b:lit] makes it wonky.
TercioQM !mnPIYfftks
>>6153604 >>6153604 >>6153604 The first thread of my new quest, Fog of War, is now live!
Odysseus returns to his Sisyphean task of trying to improve the galaxy in Theseus: a 40k A.I. quest:
>>6153568 Adlershorst
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The tour guide decides to tell you more about the religious makeup of the old empire.
>>6153653 >>6153654 >>6153653 >>6153654 >>6153653 >>6153654 Anonymous
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>>6153619 Any inspiration taken from Hyperion & Olympos?
>>6153590 As long as you can string together a coherent sentence and use a spell checker you'll probably be fine.
>>6153590 toss a coin ? idk
>>6153590 >>6153730 good idea, best out of 7
I want to run a quest. What would anons be most interested in? - Vikings killed your whole village, but you, rune-caster, have survived. Each anon gets to ask one question per update along the usual vote for an action, which is then answered (by me) with a rune with a broad meaning. - Quantum Break style urban intringue where you've come by a machine that can retcon reality in small and precise ways, by paying in antimatter. You're up against an organisation that can retcon the world in broad, imprecise strokes. Use simple programming with the Retcon Machine for contingencies and strategy (eg. "Activate and retcon away that I've died, if I die"). Improve your stats by retconning yourself. - Cyberpunk Cavemen, you awake from cryo and Dr.Stone your way through a post-apoc world inhabited by the remains of a burgerpunk future.
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>>6153780 Any sounds cool, but the second is the most interesting to me.
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>>6153780 Unless you've put in a heap of preparation and have a strong grip on logic, the Quantum Break idea is bound to end with you being outsmarted by your players, or having to deal with players who think they have figured out logic that allows them to break the system.
The question-asking gimmick of the rune-caster quests seems a little pointless, without more context regarding how it works.
So by process of elimination, I think cyberpunk cavemen is probably the best idea, the simplest to run at least, and depending on how you handle it, burgerpunk post-apocalypse is bound to appeal to a lot of people.
>>6153741 >Thread 1 picture a. >Thread 2 picture b. >Thread 3 picture a. Anonymous
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>>6153780 Vikings just for the aesthetic, the rune divination mechanic could be interesting if done well too though
Local Lord
Holà messeigneurs ! The local lord is back, after much work (like some burger, eeeew) and even a lecture about feudalism I can finally write. Some would blame me for my lateness for I told that I shall come during November but Saracen attacks have delayed me. I shall try to post our glorious quest during the next week. Local Lord Quest XIV promises to be glorious. And, I hope, more happy for our character than the preceding chapter but everybody knows that our Lord had 12 disciples around him and Judas Iscariot was the last to come during the last supper. So thirteen can only bring bad luck apparently as much in rolls as to the disponibilities of the one who wrote it.
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
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>>6153993 Those darn Saracens are beginning to become a real pain in the neck...
>>6153993 Réjouissez-vous! L'ultime signe des Cieux célébrant la naissance du Christ est le retour de Seigneur Charles et de son scribe royal!
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With Great Power update
>>6154019 TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU ID:DrPQd28f Sun 08 Dec 2024 05:48:57 No. 6154161 Report Quoted By:
Hello qst, I'm testing out a qst with a system from Tyranid Girl quest, I'd love it if you can check it out.
https://boards.4chan.org/qst/thread/6152417#bottom TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU ID:DrPQd28f Sun 08 Dec 2024 05:50:24 No. 6154162 Report Quoted By:
Hello qst, I'm testing out a qst with a system from Tyranid Girl quest, I'd love it if you can check it out.
>>6153559 >>6153559 >>6153559 Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>6154156 >>6154156 >>6154156 After a short interview on what sedition the stranger that hacked your radio was trying to tell you (and possibly many others), you have been given a two day vacation. How will you spend this moment of respite?
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need some dice rolls here:
>>6154123 Anonymous
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>>6153993 >>6154003 Montjoie!
Je n'ai point le plaisir d'avoir ouïe toute la ballade chantée par mes ménestrels, mais il est dit que je mandate céans un trouvère pour me compter l'histoire
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>>6153608 >Pike and shot qst kino
>>6153741 lol
>>6153803 That's probably what I'm going to end up doing, at least initially, might find I vibe with one of the headers more than the other once its underway.
>>6153711 That is actually reassuring, I'm probably just making myself worried to be honest. The first thread is real close, think I'll start sometime this week unless something comes up.
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU ID:DrPQd28f Sun 08 Dec 2024 20:59:01 No. 6154437 Report Quoted By:
Quest has been updated, how will our bounty hunter, Bannermen, will quiet the classroom?
>>6154432 >>6154432 >>6154432 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6154414 >'m probably just making myself worried to be honest. QM's are good at getting into their own heads about things. Just have fun writing what you want and don't let it get you down.
>think I'll start sometime this week unless something comes up. Super. Looking forward to it.
Mawmaw !!leoMR44RyCR
Quoted By:
Hello qst, I'll be posting the new qst thread on the 10th, stay tuned!
>>6150502 What does a good fantasy quest need?
This goes out to all the anons here as well. What do you want in your fantasy, and what is a good bonus?
Yo Infliction, you still on track to start today or tomorrow?
>>6154549 The most important thing is a good sense of momentum and solid character work, for any quest. For fantasy specifically, I like when anons deviate from the standard templates and include their own weird little mytho-histories, and properly develop them, but cool lore is no substitute for the meat and potatoes of a good hook and fleshed-out NPCs.
Kektus !!J2DVx8oxjPt
Quoted By:
another update for The Caretaker Quest is up!
Something weird is happening to our replacement MC, her library card is already in use but she has never even come close to it!
how did this happen? will you investigate or will you leave this for later? vote to find out!
>>6122821 >>6122821 >>6122821 Anonymous
>>6154556 >solid character work Any tips on doing this? What do you like to see in a solid character?
>>6154639 There are many different ways to build a character who feels genuinely rich and authentic, rather than as a capricious plot device. I know it when I see it. I HOPE I sometimes do it in my quests, but I'm not confident I'm really qualified to advise you, desu. If I had to explain my best EFFORTS to do this, it would be that I try to create "solid" characters by defining a few core traits and beliefs. I then always try to link any dialogue or action I write with that character in any scene to these traits to ensure consistency. While real people can be impulsive, I think readers prefer understanding a character's rationale unless chaos is their defining trait.
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU ID:DrPQd28f Mon 09 Dec 2024 06:25:27 No. 6154677 Report Quoted By:
Another update for The Caretaker Quest is up!
After the orientation, Bannermen has another important task, where to eat for lunch
>>6154669 >>6154669 >>6154669 Anonymous
>>6154649 I appreciate the response. Your answer is what I was afraid of which is there's no way to communicate a method. I will try and think more about how characters would act in their respective situations.
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There's a promising skirmish that pop up in the catalog, which QM haven't advertised here
>>6154698 Anonymous
>>6154682 No, no,
>>6154679 is onto something here.
>>6154551 Unfortunately I'm going to have to delay until later in the week. Some things came up this weekend and I wasn't able to do the prep work I need to get to.
I'm currently updating Cian's UI, so you can track my progress by watching that if you like! There should actually be entries in those sections that aren't just the skill trees (the Bestiary and Notable Characters and etc.) soon!
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi
YouAndYourWaifu !!S7iWoz56vJi ID:Fd+/NF4u Mon 09 Dec 2024 18:41:29 No. 6154897 Report Quoted By:
>>6154884 >>6154884 >>6154884 The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #5 Updated!
We learn some backstory of our favourite General!
>>6150243 >QM question: The holidays are rare enough that you shouldn't feel shame if you take a break for them.
>General question(a): Endless inspiration. For all.
>General question(b): Aside from having to wait to make a new thread, not really. My quest is not popular enough for the removal of ID count to be a problem, but I can see how it can be, and no reason why they did it. Not really a -recent change- but y'know.
Humanity gets invaded by an alien race and builds AI war machines after all the losses. It goes rogue and the aliens and machines fight over the ashes of earth while humanity tries to survive.
>>6154908 You are describing Zephon except that the titular AI was present but undetected prior to the alien invasion.
Quoted By:
>>6154908 >>6154916 Also, weirdly enough, I believe that to be the premise of Skibidi Toilet.
>>6154916 Link to the archive?
Bullpen !!h15+BsQodN2
Quoted By:
The conclusion to the Flesh-Smith arc needs some dice rolls in With Great Power:
>>6155010 Anonymous
>>6154940 Zephon is a new Alpha Centauri/Civilization-style video game.
It's quite good. Very recommended. Made me realize that the genre I'm shooting for with my quest is not actually Cyberpunk, but rather Cyber-Fantasy or...
Divine? Cybermancy?
Something I should've realized earlier, but eh.
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>>6155063 You gain brozouf.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>Run a Quest about criminals >Car stolen >Run a Quest about sailing on a post-apocalypse ocean >Water leaks in from upstairs neighbor's apartment >Run a Quest about managing Monke civilization with a focus on economics and growth >Develop a chronic health condition requiring medicine and expensive health insurance >Begin the pre-planning phase of a dark fantasy quest about bloody vengeance and insurmountable racial animosity >Upstairs neighbor leaks water into my fucking apartment AGAIN You literally can't make this shit up lmao
Quoted By:
>>6155087 >You literally can't make this shit up lmao Yes I can. That is what is referred to as "dramatic irony". Not to be confused with actual irony. Or actual iron. Or iron. This is a well documented literary motif.
>>6154679 >>6154789 Well, how do I best implement sexy hags in my quest?
Or rather: What quest has (good) sexy hag(s)? Anonymous
>>6155103 Be a QM for long enough and you can become a hag yourself
>>6155103 >What quest has (good) sexy hag(s)? That depends on the kind somebody might like. Is it the classic hag where it's just an older woman that hasn't aged like a ruptured melon? Is it the meme hag where it's just a young woman but the number on her age is different, like the reverse of when an older woman says she's 35 but is actually ten years older? Or are you a granny chaser?
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>6155115 If menopause hasn't hit her, she's not a hag. Simple as.
>>6155087 So where you the guy that shoot that Healthcare CEO in retaliation?
Quoted By:
>>6155087 I'm sorry that happened to you, BQM...
>>6155103 Curse Carrier QM, Schizo/Narrator, and YouAndYoutWaifu have the best "hags", IMO. Whoever dismd Haremavania is up there.
>>6155103 >sexy hags Never got this, women really degrade at like 25ish.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6155151 I am not that handsome or morally righteous, unfortunately.
>>6155225 When people say "hags" they pretty much just mean a woman with big tits and hips that doesn't look like she's under 20.
Quoted By:
>>6155234 That's utterly retarded, but maybe I'm just being a 30 year old boomer.
How long should a new quest's opener be, more or less?
>>6155326 Long enough to introduce the protagonist and to get to a point where there is a decision to be made by voters.
If you can hit it in one post, that’s awesome. Maybe a little short, but snappy. Two? Three? Still good.
Are you just writing world building and exposition in the opening? Maybe time to cut it, save it for later. Give voters a hook and reason to care, and let it loose.
If you only get like a couple of votes on the first post that’s fine, update consistently and you’ll get more just from virtue of sticking around.
I would suggest checking the archives to see what some popular quests originally started with for inspiration, but it’s fine to do your own thing.
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>>6155225 Seems to be similar to the Japanese/weeaboo slang of "Christmas Cake".
>>6155234 Honestly, I have very little patience for people in their early 20s these days. Too emotional.
>>6155326 One or two posts, three or four if you're also introducing rules and have some cool visuals. As
>>6155345 said, don't overload people with extraneous details, though.
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Adlershorts Update: In the search of lost technology, you find the schematics for some ancient torsion engines.
>>6155372 >>6155374 >>6155372 >>6155374 >>6155372 >>6155374 Anonymous
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>>6155326 About 8 or 9 posts is the norm around here.
Charya !!Mhjp6Aoaar7
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A medieval horror story in the cradle of civilization reaches breaking point.
>>6152987 >>6152987 >>6152987 High Zar Ivan the Unbearable
High Zar Ivan the Unbearable ID:Ppf0ptLj Wed 11 Dec 2024 05:26:07 No. 6155718 Report Quoted By:
The final battle for the frozen North is about to begin, fought over a site holy to the Ruinous Powers. Old & new champions, now is your last opportunity for greatness & glory before the Dark Gods!
Checkout Warlords of Chaos Qst:
>>6154329 Anonymous
Quoted By:
The Flesh-Smith arc is concluded, and now Hotspur is recovering at the apartment of his new ally Dusk:
>>6155644 Anonymous
May God bring back Trojan War Quest and Yet Another Civilisation Quest.
Al-Kimist !Joa6/cTmpM
Al Kimia Thread died. See you guys during my next vacation, but I'm not sure when
TercioQM !mnPIYfftks
Quoted By:
>>6153604 >>6153604 >>6153604 >>6153604 Things start to get real in Fog of War as you; the young noble hero; are summoned to raise a regiment of war.
>>6155818 Thanks for the heads up. I'll be there. I'm sad to see it stall out, bu eager for its return!
On that note, whatcha playin', /qst/? We've seen a lot of false starts lately, but a few glorious returns!
[GreyQM] !!93/W3iuzIST
>>6156137 >>6156138 >>6156140 >>6156141 >>6156143 Grey Skies has updated yet again. Be there or be pinned down against a wall and questioned by a rat-like figure.
Quoted By:
>>6156146 >Be there or be pinned down against a wall and questioned by a rat-like figure. BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>6156068 >"whatcha playin'" poster posts when I'm on hiatus AGAIN RQM
Quoted By:
>>6156235 >"whatcha playin'" poster You mean me, lol? Don't worry, I always at least check out your quests.
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU
TestClaimQM !!QaPHPP/88OU ID:DrPQd28f Thu 12 Dec 2024 04:20:55 No. 6156298 Report Quoted By:
Bannermen must find a way to elect his class's representative, will it be through a tournament or will it be through a fair election, vote and find out!
>>6152417 >>6152417 >>6152417 404TormentedCache !!c/h3nPgDT44
404TormentedCache !!c/h3nPgDT44 ID:wCfc/Ufk Thu 12 Dec 2024 20:49:33 No. 6156572 Report The 1st thread of Halo: Spartan II War Reports, has begun. I said I'd do it. I bet some of you doubted that I had it in me to actually go through with it.
>>6156570 >>6156570 >>6156570 We'll begin by selecting the Preferred Candidate (PC, Heh) out of the four listed, who are some of the additional 25 Spartan 2 candidates that got butterfly effected into the program.
Hope you check it out, and that if you do, you enjoy it. I'ma down a whiskey and coke to calm my nerves now
>>6156572 >Hope you check it out, and that if you do, you enjoy it. I'ma down a whiskey and coke to calm my nerves now mate you're gonna rock it, I have faith
>>6156572 Glad to see it finally happen, and good justification for the increased numbers. I'm guessing the guy out sick was Colonel Shitterson?
404TormentedCache !!c/h3nPgDT44
404TormentedCache !!c/h3nPgDT44 ID:wCfc/Ufk Fri 13 Dec 2024 00:49:09 No. 6156661 Report Quoted By:
>>6156620 appreciate it.
>>6156628 That was the implication lol