Quoted By:
"Hu-huh?" A warble creeps into Emily's voice. If she was able to cry, you expect to see tears building in the corner of her eyes.
"We're actually here to recruit more people to X-Company but, due to all of this?" Alexis spreads her arms in one fluid movement, gesturing towards the crowded tent. "We can't authorize recruiting in good faith. Without new recruits, the current recruits have to work harder."
"Ergo, a high chance at human harm happening through overwork." Naomi points out. "I've been in squadrons who were understaffed. Whether intentionally or after a long, drawn out battle. The amount of strain one missing person can inflict onto a squad is indescribable. Let alone dozens or hundreds of possible recruits not being hired."
"Do you wish to harm those around you by making them work for a hundred humans?" Naomi kneels down, placing a hand on the nurse's knee. "I don't believe that's in your nature.
"P-Preston was letting me commit human harm??? In THAT scale?!" The simple minded happiness in Emily immediately fades away. Her body trembles with a violent, rage-filled tremor.
[???] Naomi's mouth widens into a toothy smile upon seeing this display of emotion. "Indeed. What are you going to do about that, machine?"
"...Fine. The higher ups assigned him to adjust the training regimes through a new set of mandatory additions. This additions, while liable to cause human harm, were originally deemed acceptable in the amount of human harm it prevents." That's a bit more leeway in the laws of robotics than you expected from her. "Such new additions included courses that involved live rounds being fired, live explosives being used, training environments to induce negative physical conditions, simple robots with live weapons that are programmed to fire on sight..."
"What the actual fuck? And he just...approved of implementing them?" Kiara stumbles back, clearly disgusted by what she heard. "YOU let them do this?"
"I-If I had a choice, I would've done something. However, leaving this post and letting patients go untreated for more than a few minutes is deemed as human harm, so either path would result in human harm and-" Smoke begins to leak out of the joints of the android's body.
"Wait. Focus." Something about this rubs you the wrong way. "You said this was recent, correct? How recent?"
"A week and a h-h-half ago. A-any new additions or changes have been paused for a week due to the l-latest, uh, incident." Her eyes glance over at Olivia's mangled (but still alive) body laying on the nearby bed. So your camera can view up to a week in the past at minimum, noted.
Your allies all share a mutual look of disgust upon this revelation.
"The Father Above would smite this place if he could." Alexis hisses to herself.
"That would explain the burns and mangled leg." Naomi mutters. "Either it was low yield or she got off lucky with a higher yield."