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>Main System switching to Quest Mode...
>Well, quest choice aside don't let it stop you from shopping and theory crafting.
You are General Varlam Kovalev, and for once in many days you have received some good news: Operation Iron Sky is proceeding as planned. The town of Yagvosk had been taken and the SAM site in the Yilma Valley had been completely neutralised. NOAF forces in the region are poised to attack the airbase at Yagmur plateau. The atmosphere in the command centre had a frantic but cautiously optimistic undertone, however the operation’s most crucial phase had yet to begin.
Major Zavrasin, your second in command and defacto adjutant entered the room carrying a pile of dossiers and set them down to the side of the main strategy map.
“Intelligence reports on the enemy response to our attacks sir.”
You grabbed a file and started skimming through it; recon photos, think-tank analysis, mission reports, all pointing to one thing.
“They are consolidating their forces at the air field, and sending in their own aircraft to support the defences. Looks like they are predicted to arrive right at the same time as our own air cover. This will be an air battle as well as a ground one.”
Zavrasin stared thoughtfully at the airfield on the strategy map, now surrounded by friendly unit markings.
“How do you feel about the capabilities of our air force sir?”
“High command understands the importance of this operation and have set aside a significant number of planes to cover us. I know the designs we use are a bit long in the tooth but I think their numerical superiority should make up for the technology short coming.”
“So you reckon it will be an even fight all things considered?”
“Well the neromian air force isn’t nearly as fearsome as their ground forces. Air power doesn’t mean shit without boots on the ground.”
“True, but with boots on the ground air superiority can be a decisive factor. The order of battle for this upcoming fight is too… fair for my liking. We need an edge.”