>>6183488I LOVED it. I'm very happy that our manhandling of the Zamasu army is going smoothly so far.
>Were you expecting far more from Meloka Black, from someone so much more powerful than you? Well, if we were someone like Goku, then yeah. But Karn has a history of getting shit done. When it comes to enemies big and small, he doesn't play with his food when so much is at stake.
>Or do you think the worst of Zamasu is yet to come? Unless he has another Big Green Gay Dimension, I don't feel too worried. If anything, he and his friends should be VERY worried. Tried and tested science has proved that your life expectancy drops by as much as 87% when around an angry Karn. And insurance doesn't cover Karn-related incidents either.
>Ready to lose yourself to your anger, to give into your hate and perhaps learn something of the Berserker Soul along the way? The violence must continue.