>>5836446>Mystery Reaction The madness of this system is staggering beyond belief, and the Nuigepeti are ill-equipped to handle such a grand display of stellar insanity. Miners who work in this system see higher suicide rates, more absences and work-place accidents, and even the cute drinking game of the early years is slowly replaced by bars filled with barely functioning alcoholics.
Still, the wealth of an entire system is not to be ignored, and so the work continues, the crackling twins spinning their deadly dance at the center of the Nuigepeti's first stellar outreach.
Back home, the system's influence does not go unfelt. Detached from the rigors of life there, the wider public is nevertheless sent reeling at the implications. MOVING an entire star? For what purpose!? How!? When!? Astrologers scour old records, wondering if such an event had happened in their civilizations lifetime. Would the Nuigepeti explorers find these star-movers out there, still wrecking the heavens with no rhyme or reason?
>Action 1 - Develop Star The gentle system beyond the chaotic twins proves to be it's mirror in more ways than one. A single star, mundane, and with planets in wide, stable orbits, creates a system that is almost 'boring' in it's uneventfulness. Here, miners too set up shop, and soon this system bustles with their ships as well. Weary travelers and workers from the Chaos stars, as they are soon dubbed, find solace here. Many a Nuigepeti makes a fortune opening small stations serving as recreation centers here, and eventually one larger station, orbiting the beautiful blue gas giant, becomes something of a combination casino / art museum.
>Action 2 - Explore 'North'The stars may frighten, but they do also beckon, and so another interesting target along the hyperlanes is chosen. One of the brightest stars from Hearthhome's night sky has long been known to actually be three stars clustered in a tight orbit. Spaceships hurtle through the void, and come upon an exotic system.
For starters, there are actually four stars here. At the center of the system orbit two neutron stars, spinning on their own axis and around each other at incredible speeds. They are undergoing a merge, and within a few million years will become one. Until then, they oscillate, gravity waves beating a cosmic drum across the entire system with their revolving.
Further out, the other two stars exist in wider, elliptical orbits. Here, the Nuigepeti are shocked, and for good reason. The two stars here are twins to the Chaos Stars, one a giant blue behemoth, the other a slow burning ember of a dwarf. Here though, they remain distant from one another, their orbits rarely, if ever, bringing them close together. Each drags along with it a host of rocky planets, so the Nuigepeti cautiously go in for a closer look.