>>5766518“<span class="mu-i">Oh LOOK, it’s trying to THINK!</span>” Rivka coos as she rests her cheek on her hand like a mother fawning over her child doing a somersault! “<span class="mu-i">A quaint theory… adorable, really, but try to briefly consider the reality of your situation… just… just THINK for a moment, would you? I’ll give you some time, don’t worry!</span>”
Counterargument, you grunt, you’ll give her two seconds to explain before you blast these projectors into scr-
“<span class="mu-i">Very well, I nearly forgot how SIMPLE you all are…</span>” Groans Rivka with a dramatic eyeroll. “<span class="mu-i">At the moment my thralls have been ordered to annihilate everyone on the island. You may have eliminated a few using MY ATOMIC DISPERSAL PROTOTYPE in the lab, but do you and your merry band of misfits truly have the supplies and energy left to fight off the rest of my army?</span>”
She leans in close again filling half of the screen with her admittedly impressive cleavage. FOCUS, DIESEL!
“<span class="mu-i">Getting sweepy yet? Babies need a nappy-wappy, hmm?</span>”
You’ve managed to survive all night, you counter in a confident tone, you’ll manage until the cops show up!
“<span class="mu-i">I’m SURE you will!</span>” The scientist scoffs! “<span class="mu-i">As will the rest of the coast once my thralls find their way to the mainland! Did you know the parasite can survive underwater? I found that rather interesting!</span>”
And if you take her up on her offer she’ll turn ‘em all off, huh?
“<span class="mu-i">Precisely! Let Hauser take the fall for it all–I mean… he already DID, didn’t he? Get it!?</span>” The blue-haired girl says with a cheeky giggle! “<span class="mu-i">All jokes aside, I never forget a grudge, Diesel Crash…</span>” She purrs with a hint of malice behind her Cheshire smile, “<span class="mu-i">Nor do I forget a favor… unlike SOME people you could mention…</span>”
As Pepper awkwardly shifts from foot to foot, Chuck responds with a derisive snort. “Or we just snuff ya’ out. Reckon that’ll take care of the parasites too.”
“<span class="mu-i">Statistically unlikely, bordering on the impossible!</span>” Rivka replies with a dismissive shrug! “<span class="mu-i">Take a look behind you–perhaps what you see will… grease the wheels, so to speak!</span>”
As the mad scientist cackles, you glance behind you to find a crowd of <span class="mu-s">SLASHERS</span> gathering from whence you came! Idling at the end of the catwalk, you can tell all they need is the go-ahead…
“<span class="mu-i">Oh DEAR!</span>” Exclaims Rivka as she presses both of her hands against her cheeks in mock shock, “<span class="mu-i">I certainly hope those brutes move… you’d be TRAPPED!</span>”
Her mouth curls into a sadistic smirk.
“<span class="mu-i">Well that’s fine… they won’t take their time picking you apart… theoretically...</span>”
As tension builds on the catwalk, you hear a quiet ‘<span class="mu-i">bzzt</span>’ from Pepper’s mouth as she glances at the <span class="mu-s">KEYCARD READER</span> ahead…
You’d have to act fast…