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Slice Quest #2: Slice Guys Finish Last

!!ehWv9n5C1mz ID:qXmW/W53 No.5733791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You’re <span class="mu-s">DIESEL CRASH:</span> proud delivery boy for <span class="mu-s">PIZZA MIND</span>, your uncle’s pizza parlor, and tonight just <span class="mu-i">isn’t</span> your night!

What started as a not-so-routine delivery to a graduation party on a private island owned by <span class="mu-s">HAUSER PHARMACEUTICALS</span> quickly descended into a fight for your life! Though you managed to obtain an unofficial invite to the bash from the cold, yet surprisingly-alluring heiress and Student Council Prez <span class="mu-s">MINA HAUSER,</span> the price was steeper than you initially realized.

Convinced that her father, the CEO of the company, was up to something foul, Mina gave you the task of digging up some incriminating dirt in order to secure her path to inheriting the ‘<span class="mu-i">throne</span>’. Along the way you met some of <span class="mu-s">GREENRIDGE HIGH’S</span> key players… and a few of the not-so-key such as <span class="mu-s">RAJ DAWOOD:</span> Skater dude and generally chill guy, and <span class="mu-s">PEPPER HORNSBY:</span> a dyed-in-the-wool journalist with an unhealthy habit of sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong!

You barely had time to introduce yourself before disaster struck: people were going missing, a storm was brewing, and cellular service on the island was completely cut off!

Oh yea, and the party was crashed by a 12-foot slasher and a pack of scaled, tentacled dog monsters. That put a damper on the whole party too.

Dealing with the fallout led you to the bottom of the island’s abandoned mine in search of Pepper who, upon witnessing you getting a reward from Mina, struck out on her own to unearth Hauser’s dirty secrets! Though it took some doing, you managed to track the redhead down… as did <span class="mu-s">REGINALD SMYTHE:</span> Hauser’s Chief of Security!

With several guns pointed at your face and still no clue what’s going on, THIS is where your story continues…