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Challenging the head of a household inside their residence is, as far as your Momma has told you, among the worst things you can do in Japan that won't have you standing in a courthouse. Were Shoto to get involved, there'd be even worse social consequences for him.
If anything were to go wrong, you'd have no one but yourself to blame. And yet, you are about to rope him into this gamble you’ve committed to.
You are throwing in pretty much all the chips you've got.
You take a step to the side, and make sure to bump shoulders with Shoto, just enough to get him to look at you, and to sneak him the slightest nod you can muster before turning all your focus back onto his father.
"Enough of the light show!" You bark at the hero, clenching your fists tight. "Just tell us what you mean, and what you mean to do!"
You can't say you didn't expect another flare-up, but you didn't expect it to nearly blind you. The intense light radiating from Endeavor’s flames almost forces you to turn away. <span class="mu-r">Despite your efforts to ignore it, your senses are overwhelmed by the deafening roar of an inferno, stifling and as hot as the quirk's name would imply. Blood rushes to your face as if you had stood far too close to a newly opened barbeque pit.</span>
<span class="mu-r">But you don't look away from his cold, contemptuous eyes, no matter how much the whites and reds of his flames try to hijack your unblinking attention while the heat makes your eyes water. Yes, it must be the heat.</span>
Endeavor has no issue continuing to stare you down. Why would he? It’s only been a few seconds, yet you feel like you are in a contest with the sun.
<span class="mu-g">If the sun was such a dick, you'd gladly stare it down too.</span>
<span class="mu-g">>"You got ambushed. Both of you. In the middle of the day in public no less." Endeavor spells out in short bursts dripping with disappointment, yet quelling the anger you expected. "Unacceptable."</span>
After spitting that last word, his flames recede back to his suit's pattern. Massive spots dance in your vision while the darkness of the training room conceals the rest of your surroundings again. So you just keep your blinking eyes directed towards where you hear Endeavor’s voice for the time being to keep up the facade.
>"Had any of your foes actually tried, I would have spent this morning overseeing your funerals instead of requisitioning evidence from the police and calling on favors to strike others from the records." He continues, producing what your spotty sight is fairly sure is a novelty sized pill…wait, no, it's a camera. "So, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."