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Lucian took in a breath, his heart rioting against his chest as he knew that a single mistake here would spell the end of his journey even before it truly began. It was a damning prospect that would have caused many lesser folk to not even take a step into the keep that he was currently within.
He had to speak though for there was nothing else to do now. To faulter now was to spell his death and to succeed would be glories beyond his simple imagination.
“I, Lucian of Verac, swear upon this helm and my honor the Oath of an Errant.” Lucian spoke with as much force as he could. As he spoke the weight of the armor made itself known to the once peasant in a way that made him comfortable.
What was happening was right, “I swear that I shall lay low all tyrants who threaten Bretonnia. With my blade, in the name of King and Country, I will protect those in need.”
It was a powerful statement, Lucian understood. Forever shall he be tied to the realm of Bretonnia. Let it be the lands of the Empire or the World’s Edge Mountains where the Dwarfs live it shall be Bretonnia whose interests go first.
The second was to Protect those in Need. Unlike the previous it did not matter who those people were. Let them be forigners or domestic, Lucian shall use his body and soul to protect those who need it.
“I, Lucian of Verac, shall travel from battlefield to battlefield seeking the glory nessecary to ascend!” Lucian said as he felt fervor creeping within his body. This part of the Oath was specifically for Errants who need Honor to become Knights of the Realm.
Then, just as the fervor was creeping within his heart, Lucian felt a strain upon his lungs. He was told by Remon that if he wished to make another oath then he could, and that by accomplishing these oaths he would gain even further glory. Failure would be the greatest ruin a Knight could ever have. Such worries strained his body but in ultimatum it did not stop the words. That was because his mind and soul were in union on the issue.
“I swear that I shall continue my hunt for those who disrupt the dead and threaten the living. I swear this in both the names of Morr and the Lady to whom I am now in gracious devotion to!”
“I, Duke Moriset of Bordeleux, hear your Oaths. May they be struck in the Chronicles along with the deeds you shall achieve.” With those words the helm was placed upon the head of Lucian, “Hail, all, to Knight Errant Lucian of Verac! May we all celebrate in his honor of ascension from Peasant to Nobility in the eyes of the Lady!”
The roar was immediate, both detractors and benefactors.