>>6081707ROUND 34
Back to normal schedule. Let's try to get two in tomorrow. One around 3PM EST and the second around 11PM EST
Notable Events:
>North American Revenge Government has seized Central Texas (Rep. of TX former capital)!!Central Texas
>NARG vs MEF>(30) vs (20) = 10 hard-fought victory for NARGWNY Theater
>Mecha Brandon vs New England>(8) vs (10) = 2 minor victory for NENOVA skirmishes
>Bliss of Befoulment vs Order of the Old Gods>(22) vs (8) = 14 strong victory for BBIowa Campaign
>New Florida Republic vs Canada>(16) vs (12) = 4 minor victory NFR##################################
>>6081750>Rolled 3131 (1d9999) pali_3NARG +30
>>6081757>Rolled 8131 (1d9999) pali_3UTAH +30 NE+1
>>6081770>Rolled 0851 (1d9999)Mecha Brandon +8
>>6081783>Rolled 9110 (1d9999)Bliss +20 (+2 for fluff)
>>6081831>Rolled 7164 (1d9999)Canada +10 WA+2
>>6081857>Rolled 3917 (1d9999)MEF +14 CA+6
>>6081858>Rolled 3761 (1d9999)Old Gods +8
>>6081934>Rolled 4374 (1d9999)NFR +10 FL+3 TN+3
>>6081965>Rolled 4751 (1d9999)New England +8 NY+1 ME+1