>>6076622ROUND 26
Notable Events:
>New England captures Bliss of Befoulment's coastal capital!!>NARG has captured Louisiana!!>C.U.C.K.S. disrupts Michigan!!>Mecha Biden has captured Ohio!!Upper Midwest Theater
>MIC vs C.U.C.K.S.>(18) vs. (22) = 4 victory for C.U.C.K.S.DeSantis' March across the Grand Prairie
>NFR vs MEF>(26) vs (13) = 13 victory for NFRUnification of Louisiana
>NARG vs MEF>(10) vs (5) = 5 victory for NARG Appalachian Stalemate
>Bliss vs Old Gods>(12) vs (12) = stalemateCleanse of Carolina
>New England vs BB>(14) vs (0) = strong victory for NE##################################
>>6076629>Rolled 9547 (1d9999)MIC +14 MI+4
>>6076630>Rolled 4390 (1d9999)NFR +20 FL+3 TN+3
>>6076651>Rolled 8005 (1d9999)MEF +12 CA+6
>>6076663>Rolled 4265 (1d9999)Bliss of Befoulment +12
>>6076680>Rolled 2825 (1d9999)Order of the Old Gods +12
>>6076695>Rolled 1560 (1d9999)C.U.C.K.S. +20 WA+2
>>6076837>Rolled 9584 (1d9999)>>6076836NARG +10
>>6076838>Rolled 0586 (1d9999)New England +12 NY+1 ME+1
>Perhaps every complete state owned should add +1 bonus as well as the special states offering additional ones?Honestly, I like this suggestion the best so far. Might need to pair a few states together still.
>>6076844>Rolled 3868 (1d9999) pali_3Mecha Brandon +30